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I'm laying flat on Renee's bed, staring up at the ceiling.

Before we got too drunk, she drove us to her hotel room. Now she's dancing around the room, blasting music. She's in her underwear and a button down shirt hanging off her shoulder. And on top of it all, she has sunglasses on.

I sit up in the bed and laugh, she looks so happy right now.

"Come join me!" She shouts over the music.

I hold out my hands so she can pull me off the bed but once she grabs my hands, I pull her toward me. Now she's straddling me as I lay flat on the bed again.

Renee removes her sunglasses and puts them on my face instead, then giggles.

"You look so pretty, Tate. You really pull these off." She smiles.

I put my hands on her thighs and scrunch up my nose, causing her to laugh again. I laugh along with her and take the sunglasses off of my face and toss them gently onto the floor beside us.

"You're beautiful, Reneé." I say before I have time to catch myself, but I don't regret it once I see her begin to blush.

"You don't mean that.."

"Yes I do."

She looks into my eyes for a moment before licking her lips and climbing off my body. I sit up and watch her turn off the music then she sits down beside me, not saying a word.

I feel myself become more and more sober as time passes which just makes me more and more nervous.


"I have a show in two days.. are you coming to take photos?" She asks unexpectedly.

"I don't think I'm scheduled but.. if you want me there then I'll come."

Evan. Think of Evan.

"Actually I uh.. I need to fly home.."

"Oh." Her voice is merely a whisper, I could hardly hear the disappointment in her tone.

Is she disappointed that I won't be there?

"Do you have friends back at home?"

I nod, "Friends, family.." I gulp, "A boyfriend.."

Renee looks down at her feet at the mention of my "boyfriend". She sighs but nods, "What's his name?"

"Evan," I continue, "We aren't official yet but.. we do couple things, y'know?"

She nods, "He's probably missing you then, I bet?"

I shake my head and laugh, "He actually hasn't tried getting a hold of me since I got here."

"Oh, I'm sorry.."

Renee looks at me and smiles softly, almost as if she's trying to comfort me. She tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Don't be."

We lock eyes and she licks her lips again. "He's stupid.. he's lucky to have you, he just doesn't understand his luck."

Her hand is still on the side of my face, I can feel her thumb rubbing my jawline and she's looking at me with those eyes and she's licking her lips and-

"Tatum.." She whispers my name.

"Do I talk too much?" I say out of no where, wondering if she heard my thoughts.

"No," She smirks and moves a bit closer, I hardly notice. "Plus, you have a nice voice.. I wouldn't mind if you talked a bit more."

It's my turn to lick my lips now when she moves a bit closer.. and closer.

"Reneé.." I whisper her name.

Our lips are so close. I can feel her breath on my skin. I can smell her perfume.

Then the phone rings.

And I jump away.

"Hello?" She answers it.

"I have to go." I say quickly before leaving her hotel room. Room 407.

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