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January tenth, Renee's birthday.

I woke up earlier than I usually do so I could make her a special breakfast and finish wrapping her gift, but surprise surprise, my fiancée is already wide awake and in the kitchen sipping her coffee.

"You're up early." I announce as I enter the kitchen.

"I couldn't sleep." She shrugs.

I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist, kissing her bare shoulder since she's only wearing a bra and sweatpants. "Happy birthday, beautiful."

She grins, "Thanks baby."

"I was going to come down and make you breakfast but since you're already awake, maybe we can go out instead?"

Renee turns around and sets her coffee cup down before she checks me out with a smirk. "I can think of a better breakfast."

"Renee." I scold her playfully, "C'mon, we can meet up with Wyatt and Vivian.." She begins backing me up toward the kitchen island, mumbling an mhm "We can see the baby and-"

Her hands grab the waistband of my shorts and begin pulling them down my legs. "Shh.." She leans in and gives me a gentle kiss. "We can go later."

She grabs my waist and lifts me to sit on the counter. Her lips begin traveling up my inner thighs. "But Renee- oh god.." I try to argue but when her tongue enters me, I lose my train of thought.


"Happy birthday, Nae!" Vivian exclaims as she gives Reneè an awkward side hug due to the newborn in her other arm.

"Thanks Vivi. Hi Karson!" Renee steals the baby and giggles as she walks away.

"Thank god she loves that baby." Vivian says with a sigh as she falls onto the couch. "I'm exhausted."

"I bet." I sit beside her, "Where's Wyatt?" I ask since he never entered Renee's house yet.

"Out.. we were actually planning on looking for a house over here. Wyatt's family is here and with the baby, we want to be closer to people who are willing to help." She shrugs. "He's out looking for a house."

"That's great, Vivi." I grin.

"What about you? You're getting married soon... where are you and Renee going to live?"

Renee comes back into the living room and stands as she bounces Karson in her arms. "Probably here, right Nae?" I ask her.

She nods and grins, "You practically live here already anyway." She sends me a wink. "But I think it'll be fun having us here all the time. We won't have to travel much."

"Except to visit my mom." I say, Renee sends me a nod.

"Happy Birthday!!" Wyatt exclaims as he bursts through the door holding a birthday cake, balloons, and a bouquet of roses.

Renee laughs as Vivian takes Karson back into her arms. "No fucking way!" She takes the roses and balloons. "Thanks Wy!"

"The roses aren't from me, I had to pick them up on my way over because someone ordered them for you." Wyatt points to me.

Renee looks at me and grins, "Aw honey.. you're so cute. Come here."

I walk over to her and kiss her gently on her lips. "I love you, happy birthday."

"Thanks honey." She kisses me on my forehead as we all start singing happy birthday to her.


Later that day, Reneè went over to her parent's house for her party. I stayed back with Wyatt and Vivian to help take care of baby Karson for the night.

"She's a good baby, she just doesn't like to sleep at night." Wyatt explains as we fix up the guest bedroom for him and Vivian. "She doesn't cry, she just doesn't sleep. She just lays there and stares at you."

I laugh and finish putting the sheet on the bed, "I'll stay up with her tonight so you guys can get some rest."

"You don't have to do that."

"I insist. Plus, it'll let me bond with her." I shrug with a grin and check the time, it's close to 10pm.

"Alright, here's Karson." Vivian walks into the bedroom and immediately hands me the wide awake baby.

"You knew about this?" Wyatt asks as she climbs into bed.

"Hell yeah I did. If she wants to watch the baby so I can get some sleep, I'm letting her." She yawns.

Wyatt shrugs in a "fair enough" kind of way. He walks up to me and kisses his daughter's cheek. "Goodnight Karson, I love you." He whispers before thanking me and climbing into bed beside Vivian.

I walk out into the living room and sit on the couch, propping Karson up on my legs. "Hi there cutie."

She stares at me and sticks her tongue out, I copy her. Her tiny hands squeeze my fingers tightly.

After humming all of Renee's discography while patting her bum, she has officially fallen asleep on my chest with a pink pacifier in her mouth.

I'm also about to fall asleep when Reneè sits on the couch beside me and pulls my legs into her lap. I didn't even hear her come in.

"Hi baby.. how was the party?" I ask as I rub my eyes, whispering to not wake Karson.

"It was really fun." She whispers back with a small grin on her face. "I see you were put on baby duty?"

I nod, "She hasn't been sleeping so I took the opportunity to stay up with her." I look at Reneè and see her smiling at me and Karson. "What's that look for?"

She looks away for a moment before looking back and reaching for my hand, "You just look really good with a baby."

I grin and slowly sit up, careful not to wake the baby, "I do?"

"Mhm.. I think you'd make a great mom one day, Tate." She whispers with a soft smile.

I think for a moment before nodding, "I think you would too."

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