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December 25th, 7:23am - Christmas Morning

Last night, Renee and I put up a small Christmas tree in her house. I'm in LA spending Christmas with Renee and her family who are all very lovely people.

So now here we are, waking up on Christmas morning in Renee's childhood bedroom. It's pink and filled with old family photos, it's an open book to her childhood.

"Renee.." I whisper softly, stroking her arm since we are chest to chest in her twin sized bed.

I was supposed to sleep in the guest bedroom last night but Renee came into the room around 1am saying she couldn't sleep without me.. so here we are.

"Hm.." She hums, making me grin, "Hi.."

"Hi baby, Merry Christmas." I mumble as I kiss her forehead.

Her eyes close tighter as she groans and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer if it's even possible. "Merry Christmas, baby."

Our lips meet in a sweet kiss before someone knocks on her bedroom door and opens it. Denise Rapp stands at the door and puts her hands firmly on her hips with a sly grin.

"Good morning Tatum, I went to your room first and couldn't find you." She winks at me, "Who's ready to open presents?"

At the mention of presents, Renee hops up, "Me!"

We all head downstairs together. Charles and Renee race each other down the steps which makes me and Charlie Rapp laugh.

We take our seats on the couch, all matching in Christmas pajamas, as Charles hands out the gifts. I'm surprised with how much they got me, I was honestly only expecting the gift from Renee that she was so excited to get me.

It's a bracelet with our initials on it.

She told me as soon as she got it.

After the gift opening is over, Denise made us all homemade cinnamon rolls which were absolutely delicious. I definitely have to come over more often just for Denise.

When Renee and Charles are outside testing out his new drone, I'm sitting inside by the fireplace with their parents to ask a very important question.

"So how's everything going with you, sweetheart?" Denise asks as she cleans up the remaining wrapping paper.

"Pretty good, I actually have something to talk to you both about if that's okay?" I gulp and crack my knuckles nervously.

"Go ahead and talk, kiddo." Charlie sits beside me and gets comfortable. Denise also comes over and sits on the other side of me.

"I um.." I clear my throat, "Your daughter makes me really happy.. and we talked about the future a little while ago. I got scared and we got into a little argument about what we wanted but-" I sigh, noticing I'm beginning to ramble.

Denise gives Charlie a hopeful look and she places a hand on my knee. "Go on."

I reach into my pocket and pull out the small velvet ring box, Denise gasps. "I want to be with Renee for the rest of my life.. I love her with all my heart and I'd like to call her my wife." I gulp. "That is.. if you'll let me."

I look at Charlie and Denise who both have smiles on their faces, "Of course you can." Charlie says first.

"She loves you so much, Tatum." Denise hugs me, "Yes, of course you can propose to Renee." I sigh happily against her.

"What's going on in here?" The sound of Renee's voice makes us pull away. I quickly stuff the box back into my pocket and look up at her as she smiles at us.

"Oh nothing, just having a bonding moment." Charlie pats my back, "Charles, show me that drone."

The boys head outside. Renee takes Charlie's previous seat beside me and places her hand on my inner thigh, "Alright, tell me the truth mom."

"That was the truth, Nae. We were bonding with your lovely girlfriend." Denise smiles at me before going outside with her son and husband.

Renee looks at me as if she doesn't believe her parent's words but I change the subject, "Merry Christmas, my love."

She grins and kisses me softly, "Merry Christmas." She says before meeting my lips again in a slightly deeper kiss.

I cup her face gently in my hands as she reaches for my waist and my wrist, pushing me backwards so I lay flat on the couch and she's on top of me.

I bite her bottom lip softly, making her shudder and pull away from the kiss. She looks at me with dark eyes and gulps. "Bedroom."

"What?" I ask.

"You heard me.." She leans in and kisses me again, "Go to my bedroom and take all of your clothes off. I want to taste every inch of your skin.."

I gulp and slowly get off of the couch. I can feel Renee's stare on me as I walk up the steps and into her bedroom.

As soon as I finish stripping, Renee enters the room and immediately has her lips on my body. She starts on my neck before pushing me onto the bed and kissing along my arms and chest before she reaches my stomach. I breathe heavily as she teases my inner thighs with her tongue and lips.

"Renee, your family is downstairs.." I say weakly.

"Then don't make a sound." She smirks up at me, holding my thighs apart. "Quiet."


"You fucked with her parents downstairs!?" Vivian laughs over the phone, "No fucking way! Tatum Willis is finally becoming adventurous!"

I shush her quickly, "It was her idea."

Vivian giggles, "Where are you now? Isn't it like midnight over there?"

"It's eleven.. and we're in her room. She's asleep but I just got done showering." I explain to her.

"Aw, I wanted to talk to her." She sighs, "Oh! Did you pop the big question yet?"

"No." I say quickly. "But I did get her parents permission to propose eventually.. I don't know when."

"New Years!" She says quite loudly. "I'll be there for moral support!"

"I still don't think you should fly all the way out here. You're eight months pregnant, Vivi-"

"Nope, I'm coming." She cuts me off. "And don't try to change the subject! Are you going to propose or not?"


"Tate..?" Renee turns over and rubs her eyes, "Come to bed, baby.."

"I'm coming, give me one second." I say softly. She turns back over onto her stomach and goes back to sleep. "Night Vivi."

"Night, love you! And don't forget to pro-" I hang up the phone.

I crawl into the small twin sized bed and cuddle up against my girlfriend, pulling the blankets over me. They smell good. They smell like her.

"There you are.." She lays her head on my chest. "Goodnight Tate, I love you."

"I love you too, baby."


hey bitches, it's me again, your favorite lesbian (other than reneè ofc)

i want to finish this story soon and i have the PERFECT ending planned but i need YOUR help so i get all the little details that you guys want.

if you want a specific chapter or maybe even a small detail written in (possibly even a flash back???) please leave ideas here >>>

ALSOOOO i think we know what time it is. do we or do we not want a little bonus chapter looking further into Reneè and Tatum's future? I was thinking of writing one but idk! leave opinions here please and thank you >>

AND (ik this is a lot and hardly anyone reads the authors notes BUT) again, please leave suggestions for future stories and/or celebs you'd like to see a fanfic about here >>>

anywho. i love and appreciate every single one of you. thank you for reading. we're close to the ending!! <3

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