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@naes1fan SOFT LAUNCH???

@tatumwill Had so much fun! <3
              @lmaoitsmeee Cuties

@prettygirl #Renate or #Tenee ??

"Are you both fucking idiots!?" Julia storms into the hotel room. I'm sat on the couch painting my nails with black nail polish, Renee is trying to take a nap on the bed.

"What?" I ask as I close the polish.

"Don't act stupid! Renee, get your ass over here and explain your latest post!" She pulls out her phone as Renee walks over, only wearing my hoodie. "After party with my fav." She shows us the phone.

"What, am I not allowed to post my friends now?" Renee sits next to me and rests her legs on my lap.

"I don't have a problem with you posting your friends, Renee. But I do have a problem when you post Tatum, especially when there's rumors about you both dating!"

I pinch the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache coming on. "I don't think it's a huge issue-"

"Really!?" She drops a magazine on my lap, "Read the fucking headlines, Tatum."

Renee Rapp dating her new photographer? Talk about a downgrade. Alissa Carrington sharing all the new details about her ex's new relationship!

"What the fuck?" Renee takes the magazine and flips through the pages, "Alissa ratted us out?"

"Alissa called this morning. They saw you both having sex last night, look at their story."

I pull out my phone and open up Alissa's Instagram story.

Gotta love it when your ex posts her new girlfriend. @TatumWill = downgrade of a lifetime.

I scoff and show Renee, her face turns angry. "I'm calling them."

"Don't bother." Julia says, "I handled everything already, you both did enough. Tatum, you're flying home and staying there until the news dies down."


"I'm keeping you both separated. Renee, your old photographer is finishing up the rest of your shows."

"Julia, you're being dramatic!"

"I'm being dramatic?" She scoffs, "From now on, I am checking everything before you decide to post something stupid. I'm also forbidding you to go to after parties and make out with people in public! And no more writing fucking songs about your one night stands, Renee! Enough is enough!"

Renee stares at her with her lips parted in disbelief. I shake my head, "I'm not leaving."

"Like hell you aren't. Go pack your stuff, your flight is at 4, you have 1 hour."

Julia leaves the room, slamming the door behind her. I close my eyes and rest my head in my hands, Renee adjusts her position so she now sits on my lap.

"It's not that big of a deal.." She mumbles, pulling my hands away from my face.

"I know."

"I'm sorry she's being an asshole, I'll fix everything."

I look at her for a moment before pressing our lips together. Though being unexpected, Renee smiles against my mouth.

When I pull away, I cup her jaw in my hand. "What was that for?"

"You just look so pretty, I couldn't help it." I shrug.

She giggles, "You should pack your things before she comes back and yells again.." She looks down at the shirt she's wearing, "I'm guessing you'll want your hoodie back?"

"No, keep it. You look good in it." I wink at her before lifting her off my lap and setting her down beside me. I walk over to my suitcase and zip it up. "I guess this is goodbye for a while."

My words cause tears to spring into Renee's eyes, her lip quivers too. I pout out my bottom lip and hold out my arms, "Aw baby, come here.."

Renee gets off of the couch and walks over to me, I wrap my arms around her and kiss her forehead and cheek, "I'll be back soon."

"Not if Julia doesn't let you.." She mumbles into my chest. I comb my fingers through her hair.

"I'll be back. I don't care what she says." I kiss her forehead again. "Don't worry."

"Tate.." She whispers, "Kiss me goodbye."

I smirk and peck her lips but she shakes her head, "What?" I ask.

"Kiss me like you mean it."

I look into her green eyes for a moment as I feel her fingers grab onto the belt loops of my blue jeans to pull me against her body. I grasp her throat, right below her jaw, and slam my lips against hers. She slips her tongue between my lips as I give her neck a soft squeeze.

Julia opens the door and walks in, we pull apart. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah." I say as I give Renee one last look before walking out the door.

On the drive to the airport, Julia scolds me for my behavior repeatedly. "I hired you to take pictures, Tate, not make out with the headliner every night."

"It won't happen again.." I fib.

"I know it won't. I'll make sure it never happens again."

She pulls up beside the front doors to the airport. I get out and grab my suitcase from the backseat. As soon as I shut the door, Julia speeds off, not even saying goodbye.

"Fuck you too." I mumble before going into the airport.

*Made it to the airport, text you once I land <3* I send a quick text to Renee before entering the long line for security.

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