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We never spoke about the song since she recorded it in the studio. She just got off the stage and is sitting next to me on the couch in her tour bus. Renee has a second show tomorrow night so there's no need for me to leave.

I am sitting sideways with my legs across the cushions, Renee lays between them with her head on my chest, curled into a ball. Julia, surprisingly, doesn't say anything about our position. Alissa on the other hand looks like they are about to blow at any second, as they grip their glass with white knuckles.

"Renee, no falling asleep. We still have to discuss your plans for your show tomorrow." Julia says without looking up from her laptop.

Renee hides her face under the blanket, I chuckle softly and gently glide my hand up and down her back, "I'm so fucking tired.."

"Wake up." Alissa butts in, I glare at them and they glare back.

"Fuck off." Renee mumbles into the blanket.

"You can close your eyes for a bit, love. I'll wake you up when we get to the hotel." I say softly.

Renee sits up and shakes her head, fixing her hair. "No, that's okay. These two assholes will just yell at me." She says sarcastically but it's most likely the truth.

"We're here." Alissa tries to grab Renee's hand to lead her into the hotel but Renee yanks her arm away, "Nae."

"Can you stop with all the bullshit, Alissa? We aren't together, we never were together. Back off." Renee walks over to me and sighs, I wrap an arm around her waist and grin.

"Alright. Who's rooming together? There's two rooms. One can fit four, the other fits two." Julia says as she holds two room keys in her hands.

Alissa says, "I'll bunk with Nae." But Renee grabs a key and replies with, "I'll bunk with Tate."

I smirk but Julia frowns, "You know I can't let you do that."

"Why not? It's not like we are in public."

Julia huffs and crosses her arms, "Fine. But you owe me a donut. And keep the blinds closed at all times!"

Renee giggles and pulls me into the hotel, "We promise!" She shouts at Julia.

Out of my peripheral vision, I catch Alissa about to blow but the elevator doors close before I get a chance to see anything.

Renee holds my hand the entire way to our hotel room. Once she unlocks the door, I frown, "There's only one bed."

"And?" She looks at me before dropping her bags and falling backwards onto the bed, "Come here, Tate."

No need to ask me twice.

I crawl into the bed beside her and stare up at the ceiling, Renee does the same for a moment before turning onto her side. Her fingers play with my hair for just a second before gently grasping my chin and turning my face to look at her.

"Hi.." I whisper softly. The only light in here is from the moon shining through the open window.

"Hi.." She whispers back.

My heart begins to race when I catch her glance down at my lips then back into my eyes. My stomach flips when her touch grazes it as she reaches for my hip.

"Renee.." I say quietly before clearing my throat, "We can't keep doing this.."

"Doing what?" Her thumb caresses my hip.

"This." I say again, looking at her lips.

Renee smiles but frowns right after, "Then we don't have to stop."

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