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Vivian's POV~

Wyatt is fast asleep in bed as Tatum and I practically cuddle on the couch. It's 12am and we are about to press play on Renee's new album, Snow Angel.

I am so excited to hear it but I can tell Tatum is nervous. Especially since there are two songs on this album that are 100% about her, possibly even more.

"You ready?" I ask, putting a reassuring hand on her knee.

"I'm ready." She nods. I press play.

We are immediately met with an amazing beat and Renee's amazing voice. The first song is called Talk Too Much and it just started but it's absolutely amazing.

"This is good.." Tatum says.

I nod in agreement but I can tell she's just paying more attention to the lyrics than anything. Me on the other hand, I'm dancing to the music.

That is until Tatum grabs my arm, "This is her voicemail."

I look at her with my eyebrow raised before she pulls out her phone and presses play on her voicemail from Renee. It's word for word.

"Another song is about you."

Tatum sighs and presses play again. She combs her fingers through her hair from the anxiety of more songs being about her. "Hey, I think it's sweet."

The next song is I Hate Boston which I found amazing. Renee's vocals nearly had me breaking down. Her voice is beautiful.

Tatum is trying her best to hold herself together through the entire song. The breakup is really getting to her and hearing this song, hearing the lyrics "It's not its fault that you don't love me" probably doesn't make the situation better.

Next up was Poison Poison but we skipped it since we heard Renee sing it in studio. She wrote it about her old friend, which is a story for her to tell, not me.

Gemini Moon is such a beautiful song too. The lyrics speak in a way I can't explain. It's so pretty.

Snow Angel is a whole other story. It was absolutely beautifully written and sung. Her vocals were extraordinary. I was on my knees sobbing the entire time, it is definitely my favorite.

So What Now is also simply amazing. I could tell that Tatum liked it but still, her eyes are filled with tears that she won't let fall.

Then she broke down as soon as the next song started to play. The Wedding Song.

The chorus is the exact words that Renee wrote for Tatum just last week. She calls it an old song and timeless, soft and sweet.

I almost have to pause it a few times as Tatum cries her poor little heart out to the lyrics. I comfort her to the best of my ability but she won't let me turn it off.

Why'd you have to mess it all up?

Why'd you have to burn it all down?

The words were so perfect, the world should've heard it, and sang every line out loud.

Why'd you have to mess it all up?

Why'd you have to burn it all down?

Should've played on the radio day after day 'til they say that it's all played out.

I turn off the song and pull Tatum into my arms, she's shaking and crying as hard as she can. She's breaking and crumbling into pieces and I can't help her.

"Just breathe, Tatum.."

"I miss her..!" She cries, "I need her, Vivi..!"

"I know.. I know.."

"Please! Please make her come back!" She cries into my chest as I pet her hair gently, "Please.."

"I can't do that.." I wipe my own eyes as they fill with tears too. "I'm so sorry, Tatum.."

I decide to turn off my phone for now and stop with the music because next is Pretty Girls, which is also about Tatum.

Also, having The Wedding Song then Pretty Girls is a form of emotional whiplash, Renee.

"Just breathe, you're okay.."

An hour or two later, Tatum falls asleep while still laying on my chest. I put in my airpods and call my friend.

"How's she doing?" Is the first thing Renee asks when she answers the phone.

I sigh and flash her the pile of tissues on the coffee table before showing my face again, "Not good. She's asleep now but we only got to The Wedding Song before she broke down.."

Renee sighs and wipes her eyes, she's been crying too. "It was written on the flight back home.. I was in the heat of the moment-"

"You don't have to explain, Renee. I get it."

She goes silent for a moment before sniffling and wiping her eyes, she's crying. "I know you told me she didn't kiss that girl on purpose but.." She shakes her head back and forth, "I just want to talk to her.." Renee mumbles.

I nod, "She wants to talk to you too. She actually hasn't talked to anyone in a week, this is the first time she's left her bed."

Renee sighs and wipes her eyes again, "This is so fucking stupid.." She laughs humorlessly, "I'm so fucking stupid. I could be with my girlfriend right now but no, I ruined everything.. I always ruin everything."

"Renee, don't say that." I scold her as I get up off of the couch, "Addie ruined everything. Not you. Not Tatum. Addie got jealous and wanted Tatum back, she purposely did all of this."

"I don't know how to fix this.." Her bottom lip quivers, "I just miss her.."

"I know. She misses you too."

"Vivi, who are you talking to?" Tatum sits up on the couch and rubs her swollen eyes. I sigh at the sight of her like this.

"Nobody, T. How about you just go to bed now, alright?"

"It's Renee, isn't it.." She says without looking at me.

I hesitate before nodding, "Yeah.."

Tatum bites her lips and cracks her knuckles like she always does when she is nervous, "Do you think I can.." She hesitates to go on.

"Renee, she wants to know if she can talk to you." I say over the phone.

"I'd like to talk to her." Renee nods.

I hand the phone to Tatum, she doesn't look at the screen for a moment but when she does, it seems like she breathes a sigh of relief.

"Hi Tate.." Renee says, "Are you okay?"

Tatum nods, "Are you?"

"Yeah, I'm doing okay."

I rest my hand on Tatum's shoulder as I exit the living room to give them the space they need.

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