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December 31st - New Year's eve. All of us are packed into one small hotel room in Los Angeles, getting ready to watch Renee perform on stage. She's going to sing "Talk Too Much" first (due to my request) then around midnight, she is going to perform a duet with Coco Jones to "Tummy Hurts".

"Vivian, hurry up!" I call through the bathroom door. I hate to make a pregnant woman hurry in the bathroom but I need to go watch my girlfriend perform.

"I'm trying!" She calls back. Once she exits the bathroom, she sighs. Being eight months pregnant doesn't seem like fun..

I begin putting on my black converse to match my all black outfit. Since it's a little chilly out, I top it off with a leather jacket.

"Okay, I'm ready. We can go now." Vivian uses my shoulder as leverage to bend down and grab her shoes. "Just give me fifteen minutes to put these bad boys on."

Wyatt grins at her and kisses her cheek, "Let me help you."

"No. Do you know how embarrassing it is to not be able to put on my own shoes?" She sits on the edge of the bed. "I got this babe."

Without arguing, Wyatt drops to his knees in front of her and slips the tennis shoes onto her feet, tying them tightly. She doesn't say anything but with that smile, I can tell she's happy for his help.

Ten minutes later, we're standing under a tent by the Los Angeles stage. Renee is coming out in the next five minutes.

"This is so exciting!" Vivian says in between her chugs of water.

Wyatt pulls out his phone as Renee takes the stage. I notice that she keeps glancing in my direction with a nervous look, I keep giving her reassuring grins to keep her calm.

We haven't seen each other all day. It feels good to finally be in her presence again, even if she's fifteen feet away on a stage.

"Tasted the blood in my mouth
And left you there to bleed out"

Renee begins singing and I notice all her fears and anxiety fade away as she sings. I sing and dance along, noticing a few cameras pan to me, but I don't hide my actions.

The world doesn't know about our relationship but we both agreed that tonight we're going to make it public again. Yes i'm nervous, especially after what happened last time, but I want everything with her.

Which is why I have that same diamond ring in my pocket from three months ago.

Tonight is the night.

"She did amazing!" Vivian cheers. We clap and scream her name and I notice her winking in my direction with that big cheeky smile of hers.

When she exits the stage, she immediately runs over to me as soon as she's allowed to. I hug her tightly.

"I missed you so much." She mumbles against my neck as we sway side to side.

"I missed you too, baby."

"Renee!!" Vivian squeals and jumps out of her seat, wobbling over to us.

"Vivi! You look amazing!" She hugs Vivian tightly before pulling away. "One more month, right?"

"Right." Vivian sighs.

Renee grins and wraps an arm around my waist. I kiss her cheek, leaving a red lipstick stain. She does the same to me.

A little while later, after a few more performances and celebrity interviews, it's time for the countdown to begin. It's 11:59 and everyone is counting down.

Renee and I hold hands as we count with each other. I can see a few cameras filming us but this is our moment.

"5!" The crowd yells.

"4!" I gulp nervously and reach into my pocket.

"3!" I turn to Reneè and lick my lips.

"2!" Reneè looks at me with a huge smile.

"1!" I get down on one knee and open the little box.

Renee gasps loudly and covers her mouth with her hand, tears immediately filling her eyes.

"Happy New Year!!" The crowds scream. Fireworks and confetti cannons go off around us.

"Will you marry me?" I choke out as tears slip out of my eyes and onto my face.

Renee nods, "Yes!" She reaches for me as she begins crying. I stand and wrap her into a tight hug.

"Oh my god!!!" Vivian screams and jumps up and down, clapping and laughing.

"I love you so so so much, baby.." I mumble into her shoulder.

"I love you too." She answers quickly and kisses me deeply.

When we part, I slide the diamond onto her finger with shaking hands. It's official. "Perfect fit." Reneè whispers with a shy smile.

It isn't until my phone dings and vibrates repeatedly that I realize we were being filmed this entire time on live television. I look at all of the notifications and begin to giggle. Renee's fans are going absolutely insane over the proposal.

"I have to go, honey." She kisses my cheek, "I love you, I'll meet you back at the hotel okay?"

I nod, "Go have fun." I smile as she is escorted away by Adam to go perform her next song on stage with Coco Jones.

"Oh fuck." I hear Vivian groan behind me.

I turn around and place a hand on her shoulder as she holds her stomach. "You okay?"

"I.." She looks at me with worry, Wyatt immediately comes to her side. "I think my water just broke.."

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