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As in soon, I guess they meant two days.

I got a yesterday morning telling me I was overqualified and got the job. I was ecstatic. But then they told me that I had to hop on a plane at midnight and fly to Los Angeles, all expenses were already cared for.

So here I am in Los Angeles inside of a small theater at nine am, wandering around with my camera around my neck and a badge on my jacket to let people know I am allowed to be here.

"I can't believe you're in LA, sweetheart!" My mom says over the facetime call. I smile and adjust the airpod in my ear. "How is everything going?"

"It's good! I met my new boss when the plane landed and I've been here all morning."

"Have you met the girl yet?"

The girl as in the Reneé Rapp. Yes, I was hired to photograph Reneé Rapp, I still can't believe it.

"Not yet, she won't get here until noon."

Or at least that's what I thought.

I freeze in my tracks when I see the blonde walk through the front door with a huge smile and sunglasses covering her eyes. She says hello to everyone before talking to her manager, Julia Lang.

I don't hear what they're saying but when Julia points to me and waves me over, I realize they were talking about me.

When I make it over to them, Reneé removes her sunglasses and smiles at me. "Hi! I'm Reneé, you must be Tatum?"

"That's me!" I mentally scold myself for sounding so nervous.

"I saw some of the photos you took from your resume, you're really good!" She compliments me.

I smile, "Thank you! I'm really glad I'm here, it's been my dream job for so long." I ramble nervously but when Reneé giggles, I feel my heart stop.

"Sounds like you're a perfect fit. I'll see you out there." Reneé winks at me then walks away and my face flushes into a deep shade of red.

I excuse myself from Julia and practically run to the bathroom. I lock the door and sit on the lid of the toilet and pull out my phone to call Vivian.


"Vivi, I'm going through a gay crisis."

She stays silent for a moment before giggling, "You have a crush on Reneé don't you."

"She winked at me Vivian. And she complimented my photos!" I tell her in a rushed whisper in case people can hear me from the outside.

"What about Evan?"


"She's probably just being friendly, Tatum. How's the new job going anyway?" Vivian changes the subject when I got quiet.

"It's good-"

"Tatum! Sound check in five!" Julia knocks on the door.

"Hey, I gotta go. I'll call you later." I end the call and exit the bathroom to follow Julia backstage.

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