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'BREAKING NEWS: Famous Singer and Actress, Renee Rapp, caught kissing her coworker?'

'New Celebrity Romance? Renee Rapp sparks dating rumors with her photographer!'

'Hookup Rumors? Renee Rapp and her photographer, Tatum Willis, haven't been spotted together since night out in Boston.'

I slam my laptop shut and groan. The only thing I have been seeing recently is me and Renee. Constantly.

"Something wrong?" Vivian walks into the living room and sits on the couch beside me, holding a hot cup of coffee.

"Have you been living under a rock? Ever since I left Boston, the only thing I have seen are these stupid rumors!"

"Well, honey, you did make out with a celebrity in a public bar. Let me see this.." She takes the laptop and begins scrolling through the articles, "These photos don't even show anything, it's just you guys dancing."

"That's what I mean!"

I huff and take the laptop, closing it, and setting it on the coffee table. "It's obviously not that big of a deal, right? I mean, if it was bad then wouldn't her manager do something?" Vivian asks.

I take her coffee and sip at it. "I haven't spoken to her since Boston."

"Tatum!" She scolds me. "How are you supposed to get into a relationship when you hardly talk to her when you're away!"

"Who said I wanted to get into a relationship? My somewhat boyfriend just cheated on me last week, have you forgotten?"

"Evan is a dick and will always be a dick. Plus, you hardly like dick anyway!"



I sigh and pull out my phone, that's when I get the notification from 7 hours ago.

New Release! Pretty Girls - Renee Rapp : Listen here!

"She released a song." I look at Vivian questionably, "She hasn't released music since last year."

"Listen to it!" Vivian says excitedly, I press play.

You say that I'm you're favorite
With your hand between my thighs
Tell me if you were gonna
That I would be the one you tried

I listen closely.. this song reminds me of our night in Boston.

So you inch a little closer
Say your boyfriend, he wouldn't mind
You think that i'd be flattered
It's pathetic cause you're right

I gulp as Vivian looks at me, "This is really good."

In the p.m. all the pretty girls
They have a couple drinks, all the pretty girls
So now they wanna kiss all the pretty girls
They got to have a taste of a pretty girl
In the a.m. all the pretty girls
Act like it never happened in another world
Yeah, it's a blessing and it's a curse
So keep on pretending pretty girl

I pause the song and sit silently for a moment, these lyrics are too familiar for me to just ignore it. This is also the song she was humming in the back of her bus that one day.

"What's wrong?" Vivian nudges me, "Keep playing it!" She takes my phone and presses play. "This is amazing."

This conversation's classic
I can predict this shit line by line
I like a straight jacket
But it feels like it's a little tight

Yeah, your boyfriend's cute
Oh shit, yeah he can come too
You'll be his in the morning anyway

The song keeps playing as I turn and face Vivian. "What's getting into you? Don't you like the song?" She asks.

"I.. I like the song." I shrug, "I just recognize the lyrics.. the words.."

"You don't think it's about you.. do you?"

The thought hasn't crossed my mind until she says it. "Oh my god."

I grab my phone and dial her number, I lock myself in my bedroom as I wait for her to answer.

"Tate..?" She sounds drowsy. I forgot about our distance, it's only 4 am there.

"Did I wake you?"

"No I uh.. I was up all night waiting for your call.."

I gulp, she sounds nervous?

"You released a song."

"I'm guessing you heard it?"

"I did.. who's it about, Renee? Humor me." I try to make light of our conversation but my voice comes out dry.

"It's.. about you.. and me." I hear her clear her throat. "I write about my experiences, Tate.. I saw the opportunity and-"

"I was an opportunity? You used me to make music?"

"Tatum, I did not use you! That wasn't what I meant by that.. I started writing that song when we were on my tour bus. You heard me sing it!

I sigh and shake my head, "I have no right to be mad. That's your job, you write music."

She hesitates but agrees, "Exactly.."

We're both silent for a moment. I listen to her breathing, she yawns every few seconds. She's tired and I'm here yelling at her for doing her job.

"Have you seen the headlines?" I ask to break the silence.

"Yeah, I have.." Another yawn.

"Hey, call me when you wake up. Get some sleep, okay?"

"No, no it's fine, I-" She yawns, "I'm not tired at all.."

"Renee, love, go to sleep."

She huffs, "Fine, I'll call you when I wake up.. we need to talk about those headlines."

"I agree. Night, Renee."


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