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notice how they're both brunettes... ^^^

Tatum's POV~

meet up for coffee?

I received that text at 6am this morning from Addie. We've gotten closer over the past month and she seems genuine about having a friendship so here we are, sitting in a little coffee shop, in complete silence.

I told Renee that I was meeting up with an old friend and that I'd be back by noon, hopefully I'm home before that.

"So.. how's your girlfriend?" Addie asks as she sips her iced vanilla coffee. She never liked iced drinks when we dated.

"Renee is really good. We're really happy."

"That's good, Tate. That's really good."

"Don't call me Tate." I shake my head, "My girlfriend calls me Tate, nobody else."

"I was your girlfriend before her, Tate. For six months. How long have you both been together? Oh right, one month." Addie rolls her eyes. "We were happy Tate-"

"It's Tatum."

"Whatever." She sighs and sets a $10 bill on the table, "Can I drive you home?"


I take my drink to go and follow Addie out to her car. The drive back to my apartment building is quiet except for the soft sounds of Renee's music on the speakers.

When we get to my door, I realize I don't have my key so I knock and wait for Renee to answer, "Thanks for the ride but you didn't have to walk me up to my apartment. You can go."

"I'd like to meet the girl who's been making my ex happy." Addie shrugs with a sly smirk on her face. She's up to something and it's not good.

As soon as the door cracks open, Addie's lips are on mine.

"Tate.." Renee's weak voice makes me push Addie away with a forceful shove.

"Renee, this isn't what it looks like." I say but Addie smirks and walks away.

"Really? Because it surely looks like you were just kissing another girl." Renee sounds hurt.

"I didn't want to. Renee, you have to believe me baby.." I reach out for her but she pushes me away.

I step inside my apartment and shut the door behind me, now noticing that she has Vivian over.

"Who is she." Renee says as she grabs her suitcase.

"Nae, baby, let me explain-"

"Who is she!?"

"My ex! Addie!" I yell out, "Put your suitcase down."

"I'm going home, Tatum."

My heart crumbles as I watch her pack up all of her things right in front of me, "Renee, I didn't want to kiss her! We went for coffee! She wanted to regain our friendship, I didn't want to kiss her!"

"But you did." She takes a few steps toward me and points her finger into my chest, "You kissed her right in front of me, Tatum. You kissed your ex girlfriend!"

"She kissed me!" I say defeated as tears spring into my eyes. "Renee, I didn't kiss her! Please just believe me!"

"How long."


"How long have you been spending time with her?" She asks, a tear falling down her cheek.

"A month.." I say weakly.

"A month.. A fucking month, Tatum!?" She swears under her breath and wipes the tear off of her face. "I can't fucking do this.."

"Renee, please.." She grabs her suitcase and begins putting her shoes on. "Don't go, baby, please.."

"Vivian, can you drive me to the airport?" She doesn't even look at me.

"Yeah, let's go." Neither does Vivian.

"Renee, look at me!" My eyes burn with tears, "Don't go, please, I love you!"

"Goodbye Tatum."

The door shuts.

My crying gets louder.

I crumble to the floor.

She's gone.


It's been a week since Renee went back to LA which means it has been one week since we broke up.

And I haven't left my bed once.

Vivian tries to call me at least twice every day but I don't answer. The only person I want to talk to doesn't want anything to do with me anymore.

I blocked Addie on everything, even her email. She ruined my life, not once, but twice. I can't believe I tried being friends with her, knowing who she is.

"Tatum.." My bedroom door opens and in walks my mother. Rebecca Willis, your average Pittsburgh woman. She's the sweetest woman you'll ever meet, it makes you wonder why she chose to marry my dad. "Vivian called and told me what happened between you and your girlfriend. I'm so sorry sweetheart."

"It's fine mom, I just need some alone time is all." I turn on my side to face away from her.

"You've had alone time for a week now. Let's get up and get you into the shower, I could smell you from the hallway." She rubs my back, "Get up, Tatum."

I sigh and roll out of bed, making my way to the bathroom.

"I'm going to go pick up some food for you. I expect you to be done in the shower by the time i'm back, alright?"

"Thanks mom."

"Go on."

I shut the bathroom door and step into the shower. Feeling the warm water on my skin makes me feel slightly better.

When I dry off and go to put my clothes on, I find Renee's hoodie and ring sitting on top of my dresser. I sigh and graze my fingers over the wording on the hoodie before stuffing it into my dresser, along with the silver ring.

I put on sweatpants and a cropped tshirt before exiting my bedroom and joining my mom in the kitchen.

"I didn't know what you wanted so I got a little bit of everything."

"Mom, you didn't have to do that.."

"But I did because I invited Vivi over too!" She points to the couch where Vivian already has a plate on her lap, she waves shyly at me but I look away from her.

"I'm not hungry.."

"Oh please, I can practically see your bones! How about some chicken?" My mom rubs my back and guides me over to the buffet she has set up on my kitchen island. "Plus, I think you girls need to talk." She mumbles into my ear. "I'll be in the bathroom, girls."

She excuses herself quickly after shoving a full plate into my hands. I sigh and join Vivian on the couch.

"V, I didn't-"

"You didn't cheat on her, I know." She nods. "But you put her in the same situation that Addie put you in two years ago. You saw her kissing that boy just like how Renee caught you kissing Addie."

"I know.. I just wish she gave me time to explain."

"You did your best." Vivian reassures me and picks a chicken tender off of my plate, "Also I hope you don't mind me staying in contact with Renee.."

"No, I don't mind. She makes a great friend.."

"She actually is releasing a new album tonight at midnight." Vivian says with her mouth full, "I was planning on listening to it if you'd like to join?"

I nod, "I'll join. Just because we broke up doesn't mean I can't support her anymore."

"That's the spirit!"

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