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"Cause maybe there I'd like myself, work on my mental health, might even feel compelled to sing karaoke."

Renee sings effortlessly on the stage, pacing back and forth on the stage during her sound check. I take a few photos here and there but I'm saving everything for the real show later tonight.

"How was that?" She holds the mic in her hand and looks directly at me.

"It was great!" I turn off my camera and look back up at her. "You were great." I smile.

"Will you be in the front the whole night?" She kneels down on the edge of the stage so we are at eye level.

"I'll be up here and back there. I want to get photos of you then some of the crowd, y'know.. like a variety."

Renee nods, "Can I see some photos you took so far?"

"Sure!" Reneé dangles her legs over the edge of the stage, I stand beside her and show her a few photos.

"This one is my personal favorite.." I show her the photo of her looking directly at the camera, her mouth is covered by her microphone but you can tell she is smiling by the way her eyes crinkle.

"Wow.. Tate, you're amazing. Can I.." She points to my camera, I hand it to her so she can flick through the photos on her own.

"Reneé, makeup!" Julia shouts from the other side of the room. Renee sighs and mumbles, "Duty calls, see you later Tate." And she winks again.

"See you.." I say quietly as she walks away. I turn off my camera and let it hang from around my neck.

"Tatum, you can go get changed. Wear all black and make sure you have on the team shirt we gave you earlier."

"Got it, see you in a bit!"


The crowd screams for Reneé as she dances and sings on the stage. She even stops a few times to talk to her fans and joke with them as if she's known them her entire life.

She has an amazing stage presence, it's like she was born for this lifestyle.

I take my photos, going back and forth from standing behind the crowd to standing in front of the stage. I got an amazing shot of Reneé smiling, I'm  sure she will love it.

"Thank you all for an amazing night!" Reneé exclaims as her last song finishes. "You were an amazing crowd!" She blows kisses to the audience and runs off the stage.

I managed to snap a photo but something is off with this one. I zoom in on her hand.

her ring.

It's not a big deal but it's her personal item, I should go find it.

I walk up onto the stage and begin looking around as her crew begins sweeping up all of the confetti. I catch a glimpse of shimmering silver as I kneel down and pick it up, Renee's ring.

"Excuse me.. do you know where Reneé is?" I ask one of the cleaners.

"Most likely her dressing room, sweetheart, but good luck getting back there."

"Thank you.."

I drop the ring into the pocket of my jacket before making my way backstage. I have to flash my pass a few times before I make it do her door.

I knock softly and in just a few seconds, the door flies open to reveal Renee's smiling face.. but it drops when she sees me.

"Oh, Tatum! Come in, I thought you were the pizza guy!" She laughs and pulls me inside, shutting the door behind me.

"No, I uh.. your ring.." I fish her silver ring out of my pocket and hold it out to her in my palm.

She looks at her finger before raising her eyebrow, "Huh! I didn't even notice it was gone, thanks Tate." Reneé smiles at me and takes the ring out of my palm and puts it back on her finger where it belongs. "Want to stay for some pizza?"

"Oh no I shouldn't.." The door opens and the pizza man walks in. The smell of fresh pizza fills my lungs and my stomach immediately growls, "Maybe I should."

Renee giggles and thanks the pizza man before shutting the door and sitting down on her couch, I sit beside her as she opens the pizza box.

We both devour the pizza in complete silence, too wrapped up in the food to make conversation.

"Fuck, I didn't know how hungry I was until now." She mumbles with her mouth full. I finish my last piece before nodding in agreement.

"How old are you, Tate?" Reneé asks me unexpectedly, but when she walks over to her mini bar, I know why.

"Twenty one, just turned."

She grins and tosses me a shot glass, "Down for a little drink?" She smirks and pours straight vodka into the glass.

I smirk up at her before I take the shot. "Always."

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