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Renee's POV~

It's been one month being Tatum Willis' girlfriend and it's been amazing. She doesn't know it yet, but I'm flying out to Pittsburgh to surprise her. I finished writing the song about her, I'm planning to play it to her tonight.

"I still don't think you should've went alone."

"I'm fine, Alyah." I scold my best friend and roll my eyes. "I'll be back in a week."

"I wish I came with you, I'd love to meet the girl who's making my best friend write love songs." She teases as I walk to my uber.

"I gotta go, I'll call you once I get to her apartment okay?"

"Okay, I love you."

"Love you too!" I hang up the phone and enter the Uber to drive to Tatum's apartment complex.

I can't wait to surprise her.

I thank the driver before entering the apartment complex. I look around for a moment before a black haired blue eyes girl runs up to me with her arms wide open, I laugh and engulf her in a hug.

"You made it!" Vivian says with a huge smile, pulling away from the hug.

"I did!"

"She has no idea you're here. She's actually sulking in bed because she can't spend your one month together." She rolls her eyes and hugs me once again. "I'm so happy you're here!"

"I'm so glad I was able to come!" Vivian takes my suitcase and begins leading me to the elevator. "I actually have part of a song to sing tonight.. I wrote it for Tate but I think it would be more special to her if you and Wyatt were there to hear it?" I continue, "I don't want you guys to hear the whole thing until the album comes out though."

"I can't wait to hear it." Vivian reassures me as the elevator doors open and we are on Tate's floor. "I'll go in first and see where she is."

"Got it." I nod and stand outside the door as Vivian goes in.

"Tatum, where are you?" I hear her call out. "Oh, there you are."

I go inside when I get the text from Vivian. I take off my shoes and carefully and silently walk to Tate's room.

She's lying on the bed facing the wall. Vivian smirks as I make my way up behind her.

"I miss her but she won't even answer her phone. We haven't talked since last night.." Tatum complains with a whine in her tone.

Vivian just nods, "I know."

I sit on the mattress and place my hand on her arm, gently rubbing up and down as a form of comfort. I feel her freeze for a moment before she sits up and turns around. Her eyes widen and her jaw drops.

"Renee!!" She screams and dives into my arms. I laugh and embrace her tightly, "You're here! You're here!"

"Happy one month, baby." I say soft and sweet. Tate smiles and cups my face in her hands, just admiring me. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you so much more.."

Our lips connect in a soft kiss, she grins and pulls away to gently brush my hair out of my face before she looks at Vivian, "You knew!"

"I did." Vivian shrugs and jumps onto the bed, "Renee reached out to me last night actually, she wanted to surprise you. You're welcome."

"I love you." Tate says to Vivian before looking at me, "And I love you."

"I love you too." I say with a smile.

My stomach rumbles, interrupting the sweet moment between us. Vivian laughs along with Tatum, "Let's go get food!"

Without protest, Tatum and I grab each others hand and follow Vivian to her car. We drive to the nearest Chipotle and order some food. Once finished, I notice the crowd of paparazzi outside.

"Fucking hell.." I groan.

"I guess word got out that you're here." Vivian says quietly.

"Here baby," Tatum puts her sunglasses on my face, "Ready?"

I nod, "Let's go."

My other hand takes Vivian's as we exit the restaurant. Tatum wraps an arm around my waist to guide me to the car.

When we get back to her apartment, there's already headlines on my arrival.

Renee Rapp makes sudden trip to visit girlfriend, Tatum Willis, in Pittsburgh!

Unexpected trip! Renee Rapp flies to the Steel City to see new girlfriend, Tatum Willis!

I scoff and turn off my phone as Wyatt enters the apartment, "Why am I here? Oh, hey Renee!"

"Hey Wy!" We briefly hug before the three of them sit on the couch and I sit on a stool. "I wrote a song and I wanted you three to be the first to hear it.."

As I tune my guitar, I notice Vivian pull out her phone and begin recording. "I wrote this song for Tate. Keep in mind, it's not finished but this is the chorus."

Tatum rests her head in her hand and smiles softly as I begin humming what I want the song to sound like before I reach the chorus.

"You are my one you set my world on fire.." I look at Tate and smile, "I know there's heaven but we must be higher.." I feel like i'm flying as I sing to her, "I'm gonna love you till my heart retires.. Forever will last.." I grin, "I think it went something like that." I say with a shrug.

"I love you so much.." Tatum says with tears in her eyes, "You're so perfect, my love.."

I set my guitar down and pat my thighs, "Come here baby."

Tatum walks over and sits on my lap, I wrap my arms around her waist to give her more stability. "I love you so so much, Tatum."

Her face turns red, "I love you too, Renee.." She presses our lips together softly.

Out of my peripheral vision, I see Vivian turn off the video and smile softly, a proud look on her face. I grin and look up at Tatum.

"I brought something special for you.." I smirk.

Tatum grins and lifts my chin with her pointer finger, "Oh yeah?"

"Mhm.. I can go put it on if you'd like?"

"That's our cue! Let's go Wyatt!" Vivian quickly gathers her things and pulls Wyatt away, ignoring his protests and confusion about why they're leaving so suddenly.

"Go." The simple command from Tatum has me rise from the chair and go into her bedroom, where my suitcase sits.

I pull out the dark red lace and smirk, she's going to love this.

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