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It's been two months since I last heard from my dad. I gave in a few times and texted him but I never received an answer. Part of me believes he's okay but the other part is thinking the worst.

I did get scanned for the cancer like he asks of me though.

I'm healthy.

But the bad part about that news is that now my entire family thinks he's a liar and was using an illness to get back into my life. I don't believe that.

"Quiet on set!" Adam, Renee's new manager yells.

Yup, you heard that right. Brand new manager. Renee got fed up with Julia's bullshit and fired her around a month ago.

So now I'm back in LA, just for the weekend, to film the Pretty Girls music video with Renee. It's my only available time and Nae's only available time because of our busy schedules. Renee's tour starts up next week so she's been busy with rehearsals. I have been booked with extra photography sessions lately until I take off to photograph Renee's tour.

Monday afternoon, I also have to attend Vivian's gender reveal. Tuesday is also my birthday. Renee is flying to Pittsburgh with me Monday morning, she leaves Wednesday night.

This specific scene that we are filming is basically just a day in the life of our relationship.

"Action." Adam says quietly as he points to us.

I'm on top of Renee in a bed in the middle of a white brick room. She's grinning up at me before our lips meet in a hungry kiss.

We make out with each other as her song plays in the background on repeat until they get the right shot and they call cut. Renee sits up and begs to see the video, I scoot in close so I can see too.

I see Renee's cheeks turn slightly pink as she watches us on film. I crawl out of the bed and stretch, preparing for the next scene which is just Renee and I laying in the bed together as she smokes a cigarette.

"You guys are doing amazing!" Adam praises us. I grin and high five him as he walks past. "Naenae, I want you sitting here for the upcoming scene. Tatum, lay in front of her. Ankles up on her shoulders."

We get into position and easily slip into a simple conversation with each other. Adam lights up a cigarette and hands it to Renee before saying, "Action."

"You're so pretty." Renee mumbles, making me grin.

"Shut up.." I tell her playfully.

She puts the cigarette to my lips, I take a light puff of the smoke and feel it burn in my throat before blowing it out of my nose. Renee does the same.

"Cut! Perfect!" Adam announces. "We have a music video everyone!" He shouts and everyone cheers. We finally finished it but.. what now?

Renee and I walk hand in hand over to celebrate with everyone. I try my best to join in on the laughter but there's one problem that keeps circling my mind.

"Don't look at me like that, Tatum." Adam takes a seat next to me on the couch, I frown a bit and look down at my hands. Renee is off talking to Alec.

"Like what?" I ask, avoiding eye contact.

"Like something is bothering you."

"I just.. How are we supposed to put out this music video when I'm known as the ex who cheated on Renee and she's supposedly dating Alec." I look at Adam.

He sighs and pulls out his phone, showing me the screen. "I'm putting the film date as four months ago. A little fib never hurt anyone. Nobody will know that you two are still together and they'll still believe Alec and Renee are deathly in love with each other."

We look up toward Alec and Renee who stand there awkwardly. "I don't know how people believe that.." I mumble.

"Yeah, it's complicated.. but the contract is up next week right before her tour starts up." He pats my shoulder, "Just one more week."

I smile briefly at Adam before he walks away. I keep my eyes on Alec and Renee as they keep talking with each other.

I can't wait for him to be out of the picture.

"Tate!" Renee shouts, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Come here!"

I grimace, not wanting to join the awkward conversation with Alec. Renee sees this and excuses herself before walking over to me and taking her usual seat on my lap. I smirk and place my hands on her waist.

"What's wrong?" She asks, combing her fingers through my hair.

I shake my head, "Nothing, I just don't like Alec."

Renee nods and sighs, "One more week." Then she kisses me gently. "I love you."

"I love you."



Hey guys! Sorry for not updating, I had a small writers block but I'm back! I was thinking of writing another fan fiction once I finish this one up but I'm not sure who to write about!

If you'd like a specific celebrity, leave a suggestion here >>>

Suggestions for this story goes here >>>

Thank you so much for reading! This book will reach between 50-60 chapters so we're almost there! Sending love your way! <3

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