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The next morning, I wake up to an empty bedroom. Renee had to be at the airport by 4am, she probably left while I was asleep.

I check my phone for messages but I don't have any. It's only 7am so Renee most likely didn't land in LA yet so I decide to call Vivian as I slowly crawl out of bed, incredibly sore from the night before.

"Hey babe!" Vivi greets me when she answers.

"Hey, you sound chipper this morning." I walk into the kitchen and begin making myself some coffee.

"And you sound exhausted. I'm guessing you and your little wifey had some fun, hm?"

"I'm not sharing my sex life with you." I grin, "But yes, we did." I pour my coffee and sit on the couch.

"Knew it. Hey, is it okay if I stop by after I'm done at the gym? I can bring food."

"You don't have to ask.. but yes, bring food."

"Got it, I'll see you soon." She hangs up.

I flip on the TV and turn on GMA.

"Renee Rapp releases multiple breakup songs about ex girlfriend Tatum Willis, only to be seen with Alec Montez 48 hours later." The news woman says as she shows photos of a man picking Renee up at the LA airport.

They're hugging.

He's a little too close for my own comfort.

"Tatum Willis hasn't been seen around her hometown since Renee has released her new album Snow Angel. Renee's fans seem skeptical on the new breakup and don't seem to be liking the new boyfriend."  She shows a photo of multiple fan tweets.

There's no way Tatum and Renee broke up, I refuse to believe it.

Tanee is NOT over guys!! Renee was spotted in Pittsburgh yesterday!

Not liking this new relationship between Alec and Renee, he's known for being a serial dater. He's using her.

I smirk and scoff at the comments, I agree with them all. Alec is basically another Pete Davidson, except he's actually attractive. Tanned skin, brown hair, brown eyes, masculine. serial dater. Which is probably why Julia chose him for the PR stunt, it makes it more believable.


I look down at my phone and smile when I see a text from Renee.

Landed half an hour ago, Alec brought me home. He's nice but he's not you.
Love and miss you! 💕

I smile and reply with: Saw everything on the news. your fans don't like him very much. I love you, call me later?

I send the message and wait for a reply but never receive one. I set my phone down and walk to the door when Vivian knocks.

"Hey bitch, I brought bagels!" She comes inside and hands me a warm bag of bagels. We sit down at my table as she begins to laugh.


"Oh nothing, it's just that Renee seemed to mark you up good. Probably tried to make sure they stay for the next three months." She takes a bite of her bagel that she topped with guacamole.

I grin and roll my eyes, "You should see her."

"I'd rather not."

We laugh together before I receive another text from Renee: why not now?

Before I have the chance to reply, Renee begins requesting a facetime. I smile and answer, "Hi baby."

"Hi honey, how's your morning?" She smiles big.

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