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"Renee!!" Vivian shouts, running over to us with her arms outstretched to embrace Renee in a tight hug. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you more!" They pull away from the hug, "You look amazing, Vivi!"

"Oh, don't lie to me. I'm three months along and I'm already huge." She laughs, "But thank you. Come on, Tatum's mom made her famous peanut butter cupcakes!"

We follow Vivian into her dining room where everyone else is sitting. Wyatt's dad, Vivian's parents and younger brother, Landon, and my mom.

"Hi Tatum!" Landon runs over and hugs me tightly.

I hug the little eleven year old boy and ruffle his dark curls, "Hey buddy, I missed you! I haven't seen you in forever!" He pulls away and smiles up at me, his freckles gleaming. "I have someone for you to meet."

Landon gasps and glances at Renee before waving his hand for me to lean in closer, "Is this your girlfriend?" He whispers.

I giggle and nod, "Yeah, isn't she pretty?" I whisper back.

Landon nods and holds his hand out for Renee to take, "Hi, I'm Landon, Tatum's best friend."

Renee smiles and shakes his hand, "I'm Renee. It's nice to finally meet Tate's best friend."

He grins and winks at me, "She's a keeper."

I laugh and nod before he pulls Renee away into the backyard of Vivian's parent's house. The little gray dog, Fletcher, follows quickly. Renee looks back at me for help, I just smile and wave.

"Tatum, it's nice to finally see you again sweetheart." Vivian's mom, Lily, pulls me into a quick hug.

"You too, Lily." I smile at her as Dan, Vivian's dad, pats my shoulder. "Hey dad." Ever since Vivian and I were in elementary school, I got into the habit of calling Dan by dad since my own dad was never a father figure in my life.

"Hey Tum," Oh yeah. Instead of my usual nicknames of Tate or T, Dan likes to call me Tum. I never asked why. "We missed you around here, you need to visit more often."

"I try, my schedule has been busy so far."

"Well tomorrow is your 22nd birthday, we got you a little something. You're going to love it." He smiles as me before walking away to join Landon and Renee outside.

"Alright everyone, we're gonna start so if you'd all come outside.." Wyatt announces from the back door.

We all come outside. Vivian and Wyatt stand beside a black balloon, inside holds the confetti color of their baby's gender.

I filled it. I know the gender and I am so excited.

"Hi baby." Renee comes up beside me and intertwines our fingers. Landon quickly runs up beside her and holds her other hand, I smile and focus my attention to the couple.

"Before we pop the balloon, do we have any guesses?" Vivian asks.

I shrug, already knowing the gender. Landon calls out "Girl" along with Lily. Renee, Dan, and my mom all call out "Boy".

Wyatt looks at Vivian and says, "I'm happy with either." Vivian agrees.

"On the count of three!" Landon calls out.




Vivian pops the balloon and pink confetti flies everywhere. Wyatt jumps up and down, screaming that he's always wanted a daughter. Vivian laughs with tears in her eyes.

Everyone congratulates Wyatt and Vivian. I give them each a tight hug. "I'm so excited for you!"

"I've always wanted to be a girl dad, I can't believe it's actually happening." Wyatt says, not taking his attention away from Vivian.

"I'm gonna have a baby girl!" She squeals. We've planned this out since middle school. We always wanted to have our first babies together so they'd grow up to be best friends...

But that can't happen now.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Renee comes over and hugs Vivian and Wyatt.


"Hey, what's wrong?" Renee sits beside me on the couch, I pause my movie. "Ever since Vivian's party, you've seemed off, what's on your mind?"

I sigh and shrug, "Vivian and I always said that we were going to start our families together. We wanted our kids to grow up to be best friends." I shake my head, "I'm happy for her, really I am.."

Renee frowns a bit as she brushes my hair out of my face, "I'm sorry, baby."

I look at her and smile a bit, "It's okay, it's not like we can have a baby.. and I'm not ready for that kind of responsibility yet." I laugh.

She frowns again, "We never talked about a future before."

I look at her and think for a moment, "We're still young, Nae, I don't know what I want in the future."

Renee sits cross crossed and pulls a blanket over her lap and shrugs, "I know that I'd like to get married one day." She smiles softly, "I'd like to have a family with my partner too. I would like to have a baby eventually."

I think about having a little baby that's half me and half Renee's genetics and smile.. then I frown. "We'd never be able to have a baby together." I look at her.

She frowns, "I know."

"I don't know if I want kids. I never saw myself being a parent, I just always saw myself working." I shrug.

Renee looks away from me and at the tv screen, unsure of how to respond.

I shift in my seat, suddenly feeling uncomfortable about the topic of our conversation.

"I'm going to bed. Make sure you turn off the tv before lying down." Renee gets up off of the couch and begins walking away.

"Renee, don't be upset." I say but she waves me off with her hand and shuts my bedroom door behind her.

I sigh.

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