48 epilogue

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"Momma! Can we please go to the playground?" Stella, my 5 year old daughter, runs up and pulls on the hem of my t-shirt, "Please!"

I pet her blonde hair gently, "Not right now, we have to wait for mommy to get home. How about you help me with baby brother?" I ask as I set down the brunette baby boy, Alexander, in his high chair.

Stella nods and sits beside me at the table to help feed her younger brother. When the front door opens, she squeals and runs toward it.

"Hi chicken!" Reneè says as she engulfs Stella in a hug, lifting her onto her hip and carrying her back into the dining room. "Hi honey." Then she greets me with a kiss.

"Hi baby, how was the interview?" I ask as she takes a seat beside me.

"Really good. Everyone is really excited for my 3rd album to come out tonight."

"Mommy, can we go to the playground?" Stella asks Renee with a pouty face. I grin, they look almost identical to each other. Alex on the other hand looks just like me.

"Of course we can!" She tickles Stella's tummy, "How about we get some ice-cream too?"

"Yeah! I want strawberry!" She squeals.

"I thought you liked chocolate?" Reneè says with a smirk, trying to get a laugh out of her daughter.

"No.." She smiles her big cheeky grin, "Momma likes chocolate, not me! I like strawberry like you mommy!"

"You're right, you're right. Go get your shoes on, chicken. Me and momma will be right there with Alex." She says to Stella, making her run away.

"You're such a good mom." I say as I cuddle up against her.

"You are too, sweetheart." Reneè lifts my chin and presses a gentle kiss to my lips, Alex giggles at our interaction. "Let's take our girl to the playground." She grins and lifts Alexander out of his high chair, "Ready to go, buddy?"

He only squeals as an answer. Renee puts little shoes on his feet (as if he'll need them) and meets Stella and I at the front door.

When we get to the playground, we find Wyatt and Vivian there with their three kids Karson, Evelyn, and Liliana. Wyatt lived up to his title and is the best girl dad anyone could ask for.

"Stella!" Seven year old Karson runs over with open arms, engulfing Stella in a hug. She looks just like Wyatt.

Evelyn, Vivian's 4 year old twin, runs after her older sister and joins in on the hug.

Liliana on the other hand, runs to me and Renee. I lift the 2 year old into my arms and kiss her cheek. "Hi aunties!"

"Hi Evie!" Reneè smiles big as she holds Alexander on her hip.

"Funny running into you guys today. I thought you wanted to spend a quiet day inside, Tatum?" Vivian walks over, Alex immediately reaches for her.

"That was the original plan but Reneè got home early so.. now we're here!"

"I'm gonna take Alex to the swings, alright?" Reneè kisses my cheek before departing toward the swing set. The girls follow her.

Vivian and I sit on a nearby bench, watching our significant others playing with our children.

"I can't believe this is reality.. I mean I knew I'd always end up with Wyatt in the end but.. it's just insane to think about. We have three daughters together. And you're married to Reneè Rapp."

I grin and nod, "And I couldn't be happier. Look at her, Vivi.." We both look at Reneè as she pushes Alex in the swing, earning laughs from him. "She's perfect."

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