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Renee's POV~

I have a performance this morning on GMA to promote my new album. The studio is in New York so I booked a flight to Pittsburgh right after my performance.

"Did you decide what song I'm going to sing?" I ask Julia as the makeup artist works on me.

"Yeah, I'm going for a more emotional approach to this mornings show. You're going to perform The Wedding Song." Julia explains to me before scolding the makeup artist.

"What?" I put my hand up to stop the woman doing my makeup. "Julia, you know how that song makes me feel. I can't perform that live."

"It's already been done, Renee. Plus, emotional performances always go down in history." She shrugs. "You go out in five minutes."

I watch her leave with my mouth agape. The makeup artist finishes her work and leaves along with her.

I try to calm myself down before taking the stage. I sit down on the stool they provided for me and push all of my emotions down deep until I don't feel a thing.

"There's an old song I wrote for you.."

I sing the beginning effortlessly but once I reach the first chorus, I feel the tears pricking my eyes.

"You are my one, you set my world on fire
I know there's heaven but we must be higher
I'm gonna love you till my heart retires"

I look away from the mic as I let a tear fall down my cheek. The cameras zoom in on me as I take in a shaky breath and try my best to continue singing.

Once the song is over, my eyes are brimmed with red and my cheeks are wet with tears. Julia tries talking to me once I'm backstage but I ignore her and go to my dressing room to grab my already packed suitcase.

"Where are you going?"

"Fuck off."

"Renee, I know this breakup is tough but do not take it out on me. Tatum cheated on you."

I roll my eyes and exit the studio and entering the Uber i've called for myself.

On the drive to the airport, I use the opportunity to fix my makeup.

Tatum's POV~

"Tatum, stop it." Vivian mumbles to me as I fuss over my makeup and outfit. "Has Renee ever cared about your clothes or your makeup when you were together? No. Just relax, babe."

"My eyes are swollen and red, Vivi. I need to do something to take her attention away from that. Maybe I'll just go naked-"

"Okay, that's what we aren't going to do." She scolds me as gently as possible. "She's almost here so please just put something comfortable on."

"She's here!" My mom calls out from my living room.

"Fuck." I say as I slip into a pair of sweatpants and go into the living room with Vivian.

Our eyes lock from across the room and I freeze.

"Tate.. Hi.." She says quietly as my mom pulls away from their hug.

"Hi.." I whisper weakly.

The silence in this room is deafening. I feel like I can't breathe around her.

"Oh Tate.." Renee whispers as tears fill my eyes.

"I'm sorry I.. I'll be right back.." I excuse myself and go into the bathroom. I sit on the edge of the bathtub and put a hand on my chest to calm my breathing.

I'm on the verge of a panic attack when the door opens. I look up and connect eyes with Renee, her eyes are also red. "Come here baby.." She holds out her hand, I take it.

She pulls me into her arms and my breathing goes back to normal. I close my eyes and breathe in her scent of her usual vanilla.

"Renee, I'm so sorry my love.. I'm so so so sorry.." I cry against her. "I love you so much, baby.. I didn't want to hurt you.."

"Shh.. it's okay.. I didn't let you explain what happened, I should've believed you."

We both go quiet as we embrace each other in our arms, just breathing in each other.

"I still love you, Renee.."

"I still love you too, Tate.."

The bathroom door opens yet again, revealing Vivian and my mom standing there. Renee pulls away from me and exits the bathroom first, I shortly follow.

When we all take a seat in the living room, I sit furthest away from Renee. Mom, Vivi, and Renee all sit on the couch while I sit in a chair across from them.

"Renee, you didn't have to fly the whole way here." I start our conversation off strong, "I have my mom and Vivian to help me-"

"Tatum, just because we broke up doesn't mean I don't care about you anymore. You got drugged last night and you don't know what happened to you or who happened to you." Renee explains, "I went through this during my Broadway days, babe, and it wasn't fun."

I sigh and run my hand through my hair when my mom talks, "Tatum, do you remember anything about anyone that you met last night?"

"Uh.. there was this.." I glance at Renee and gulp before looking at the floor, "Girl.."

I catch Renee squint at me in my peripheral vision before she looks at her hands.

"I don't remember her name.. Honestly, I don't even think I asked her name-"

"Anyone else?" Renee snaps.

I bite my lips as I try to think, "A man."

"A man?" Vivian asks.

"He asked me if I wanted to have a good night with him. I kindly told him to fuck off but-"

"Language, Tatum." My mom scolds me.

"Sorry. I kindly told him to go away but he didn't answer so I took my drinks and walked over to the girl I previously mentioned. I took a shot and then I remember feeling dizzy.. but that's it."

"Well there's nothing we can do without names." Vivian states. "I know that's not what you wanted to hear but its the truth, T. Without names or faces, we cant identify anyone."

"She's right, Tate." Renee agrees.

I huff and scratch the back of my neck anxiously. Vivian gets up off the couch and walks over to me, "It'll be okay, Tatum. I doubt anything bad happened to you." She hugs me, "You're alright."

I pick at the skin around my nails, nodding without looking at any of them. I feel pathetic and weak.

"You all can go, I think I am going to just take a nap to sleep it off." I go into my bedroom without saying anything else, slightly hoping they all will leave in a few moments.

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