Author's Note {Please Read}

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Hello everyone, I am currently in the process of editing this story. You'll notice that some chapter titles are in a different format. Well, that's because I'm editing it. 

This book has very mature themes; drug use, mental illness, homicide and sexual harassment. Please read this story at your own risk. I will only be adding trigger warnings, if the chapters are deigned highly triggering, although this story is a walking trigger warning itself.

Please be patient and understand that the later chapters are not as well written as the first few chapters, because- as I said, I'm in the process of editing.

I will also be putting chapters that contain smut, on private as I no longer feel comfortable with having it publicized, so if your wish is to read, then be my guest and follow me to do so.

Several of these characters are indeed original. I will be putting up a cast list as soon as possible.

I really recommend waiting until I've finished correcting before you read. Some of the plot points are being changed and I'm also changing the setting a little bit.

Happy reading. Always remember to vote and know that I love reading your comments. Love you lots!Xx

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