𝘆𝘂𝗷𝗶 𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗶

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【 ꜱɪᴄᴋ!ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ 】❝ 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵―𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵/𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘵 ❞▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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【 ꜱɪᴄᴋ!!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ 】
❝ 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵―𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵/𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘵 ❞

                           "I told you to stop bringing me flowers, darn it!" Wasuke yelled at his grandson standing at his room's entrance ― in his hands, indeed, a bouquet of different flowers.

"And I told you those are for the nurses looking after you!" Yuji exclaimed back before shyly turning his face away. "Besides, they're for...someone else..." A light blush formed on his cheeks as he said that last part. It didn't take long for Wasuke to put the pieces together, making him give a soft closed-eye smile.

"Ah, I get it...it's for her." Yuji's blush darkened but he remained silent. "Well, what're you wasting time with an old fart for?" A young boy like Yuji should be off enjoying his youth, especially if a girl is involved! Instead, the useless boy is standing there all dejected-like. "Don't tell me you're scared to see her?"

"It isn't like that!" Yuji gripped the bouquet with shaking hands. His vision, which pointed downward, suddenly became blurry when he remembered the events of his last visit.

"Itadori-san." Your soft voice was the first thing Yuji heard when he approached your hospital room. It immediately brought a smile to his face, relieved you're well-rested and currently eating your lunch without any issues (he tried ignoring the IV stuck in your arm, cannula up your nose, and various machinery surrounding your bed).

"Come on, (name)," he walked next to your bed to take a seat, "didn't I tell you to start calling me 'Yuji'?"

"Ssorry..." You lightly blushed, looking down at your half-eaten bento. "I'm still not used to this...having a close friend to be so informal with..." Almost as soon as you said that, you covered your mouth in embarrassment. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say something so depressing..."

"You don't need to apologize~" Yuji lightheartedly laughed to help bring your mood back up. He placed a hand over his cheek so his eyes stayed on your soft features. The sun cast a radiant glow on your frail figure tucked comfortably underneath the hospital blanket; but despite your weak state, your face was full and beautiful. Yuji could stare at you for hours. "How have you been feeling?" The usual question he asked whenever he visited.

"The doctor says my condition is slowly stabilizing." You playfully flex your (left/right) arm. "I'm getting stronger every day! Can't you see?"

"Sugoiii!" Yuji cups his cheeks in awe. Your giggles were music to his ears. Really, anything about you swells Yuji's heart with adoration, even if you were to stare out the window without saying a word, he'd be happy just being in the same room to watch your eyes glisten with hope for a healthier future.

For a moment, there was silence in the room, with only the chirping birds from outside acting as background noise. Suddenly, your cheeks bloomed a faint red as your hands nervously intertwined over your pursed lips. "Uhm...by the way...YYuji..." your blush darkened saying his first name. "I, uh, have been meaning to tell you something...w well more like aasking...uh, oh, geez..." You covered your whole face.

"I it'ls okay, just take your time and tell me." Your bashfulness took him by surprise despite your usual shy nature. Something about seeing you get so embarrassed about whatever it is you want to ask him made his heart leap into his throat. Safe to say that he was all ears.

"I it's silly..." You nervously glance between him and your forgotten lunch sitting on your lap. Your blush only grew, reaching to the tip of your ears once you finally opened your mouth.

But the words never left.

An excessive coughing fit overcame you; you gripped your throat which was burning up before it would expel violent dry heaves you couldn't keep up with. Your heart pounded against your chest like it wanted to be free from your constricting body. Saliva was hacked all over the food you couldn't even see because of your blurring vision despite your eyes bulging out of their sockets.

Yuji could only watch your shaking body in horror; his body felt like it was paralyzed despite his brain yelling at him to do something anything to help your situation. It was up to you, still violently coughing all over the place, to frantically press a button to signal a staff member. Luckily, multiple nurses who were passing by noticed what was happening and ran inside. The rapidly beeping machines drowned under a swarm of incoming staff yelling orders at each other to stabilize your condition.

All the while, Yuji looked on with wide eyes and a beating heart. He barely recognized two nurses ushering him out of the room, for he could only focus on your form submerged in medical professionals trying to do whatever in their power.

It was almost like...if he looked away, it'd be the last time he'd see you.

At that thought, Yuji crouched down outside to cry in his arms.

Fortunately for everyone, you were okay. It wasn't clear what exactly happened ― one second you were being your usual self, chatting with Yuji, and then... Yuji didn't even want to think about it, but the memory persisted no matter how much he tried pushing it away. Of course, it was what caused him to not visit for a few days, something he felt insanely guilty for considering he never missed a beat when it came to checking in on you even if he wasn't there for his grandfather.

It's just...how could he see you after that? What if it was actually his fault for what happened? He simply couldn't handle witnessing you in such a pitiful state while feeling so... so useless and pathetic.

What type of friend even is that? To stand there and not do anything?

If anything, he only made it wor―

"It's not your fault, Yuji."

Huh...? Yuji looked at his Grandpa who stared intensely back at him.

"I get that you feel bad, but it isn't your fault." Wasuke stared out the window. "(name) has been sick for as long as she can remember. Her body simply can't keep up with the world, so she's been constrained to a hospital bed all these years." He looked back at Yuji. "You had no control of any of that. So stop being a depressed brat and go visit her already. She probably needs to see you now more than ever."

"I― I told you...it isn't like that..." But Yuji turned around with a hesitant step forward out the door. Of course I want to see her... He looked down the hall where your room always awaited him. But what if you had another attack? Or something worse?

"She probably needs you now more than ever."

Ugh, how stupid and uncharacteristic of him. Yuji almost knocked himself in the head if it wasn't for wanting to keep the bouquet he'd already been gripping this whole time in good condition; Even if you did have another attack, at least he's there by your side as a reminder to keep going strong like you have been all these years. He's your closest confidant and support system ― it's pretty much his job to always keep your company, no matter what.

And even if I don't like thinking about it... Yuji took a deep breath. I never know when it will be the last time I see her.

So, he started walking forward.

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