𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟔 ☆

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𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝟔𝐭𝐡, 𝟏𝟗𝟔𝟎 - 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐞

Upon arriving at Barton Village, Walburga was met with wizards and witches who had moved there creating a wizarding village. Holding Sirius close to her she walked the cobblestone streets until she arrived at her brother's home.

As she approached the doorstep, a mixture of emotions played on her face—anticipation, memories of the past, and the shared bonds that tied her to her brother and the wizarding community they belonged to.

Knocking on the door, Walburga had to divert Sirius's attention, preventing him from pulling at his hair in his playful curiosity. Moments later, Alphard opened the door, revealing the familiar face of her brother.

Alphard's exclamation rang through the air as he opened the door, his eyes widening with surprise and delight. "Sister? and baby!" he greeted, his face lighting up at the unexpected visit.

Walburga smiled, holding Sirius a bit closer to prevent his playful antics. "Alphard, it's good to see you," she said, the warmth of familial bonds weaving through the air.

She missed her brother dearly, and whilst she was happy he was growing and traveling she was still protective over him. He barely paid her visits since the birth of Sirius.

Alphard, noticing the longing in his sister's eyes, extended a warm invitation. "Come in - come in" he moved to the side allowing for her and Sirius to enter his home.

As they stepped inside, the aristocratic ambiance of Alphard's home became immediately apparent. The décor reflected the refined tastes of a pureblood wizard, adorned with elements that spoke of tradition and heritage.

Sitting on his plush armchair she placed Sirius on the floor allowing him to explore. The sound of his little giggles filled the air, mingling with the timeless elegance of the surroundings.

Alphard glanced down at the boy with a smile. "He seems to be enjoying himself," he remarked, his gaze filled with warmth.

Moving towards the fireplace, Alphard announced, "I was just about to start a fire." The flickering flames soon danced to life, casting a warm glow across the room.

As the flames danced to life in the fireplace, casting a warm glow across the room, Walburga couldn't help but sense a shift in Alphard. In the ensuing silence, Walburga observed her brother, noting the unspoken undercurrents that seemed to shape his demeanor.

The flames crackled in the fireplace, and a comfortable silence settled in the room. Walburga, noticing the shift in her brother, decided to break the quietude.

"Alphard," she began, her voice carrying a chilly edge, "how have you been? It feels like it's been ages since we've had a chance to catch up properly."

Alphard, sensing the shift in her tone, looked up from the fireplace with a guarded expression. "I've been well enough, Walburga," he replied cautiously, the crackling firelight reflecting off his features.

Her eyes narrowed as he began to clamp and unclamp his hands, it was a tick he only ever did when trying to gather the courage to speak up.

After a pregnant pause, Walburga's voice cut through the quiet room, a sharpness in her tone. "Don't dance around it, Alphard. If there's something on your mind, spit it out." Her eyes bore into his, demanding a directness that seemed to elude the conversation thus far.

Alphard met Walburga's gaze with a mixture of apprehension and determination. Taking a deep breath, he began, "It's about the family, Walburga. The responsibilities, the expectations—it's suffocating at times. I know you've embraced your role, even Cygnus has embraced it, but I've been wandering, seeking something different."

The Tragedy of Walburga BlackWhere stories live. Discover now