Before Comic-Con(Cody[Total Drama] X Reader)

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This is loosely based off of the fact that I went as Princess Peach to my local Comic-Con in September.


-Reader's P.O.V.-

Cody and I had just finished breakfast when my alarm to get ready for Comic-Con went off. We put our dishes in the sink then started the process of getting into our cosplays. We were going as Mario and Peach.

"I can take the downstairs bathroom, (Y/N)," Cody offered as we both went upstairs to get our cosplays.

"You sure, Cody?" I asked,

"Yeah. You can make a grand entrance coming down the stairs," he smiled.

I giggled. "I didn't think of that."

We grabbed our cosplays and gave each other a quick kiss before going to our bathrooms. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, applied my makeup, undressed, and put on the wig. I then clipped on the tiara.

Getting into the cosplay itself was the fun part.

I set the hoop skirt on the floor and stepped into it. I pulled the center up and tied it around my waist. I untied the loose bow of the "corset" of the dress and unzipped it completely. I put it over my head and let it fall over me. I adjusted it then zipped it up. I loosely tied the ribbon into a bow. I clipped on the earrings, slipped on the gloves, and carefully stepped into my red heels. I gave myself a final once-over before leaving the bathroom.

"I'm ready when you are, Cody!" I called.

I heard the guest bathroom door open and close moments later.

"Let's see it, Peach!" Cody called.

I began my slow descension down the stairs. I giggled upon noticing Cody recording me on his phone. "Really?" I reached the bottom of the stairs and walked over to him.

"Noah wanted a video," he said. "God, you look gorgeous. Pink suits you a lot."

"I never realized how good red looks on you," I smiled.

Cody changed the camera to selfie mode. "Say 'Hi, Noah.'"

I giggled and waved to the camera. "Hi, Noah."

He ended the video. I could see the love in his eyes and the soft blush tinting his cheeks as he looked at me. "Ready for a fun day out, Princess?" he asked in his best Mario impression.

"Any day is fun with you, Mario," I said in my best Peach impression. I giggled. "I wanna kiss you, but I don't wanna mess up my lip gloss."

Cody pressed a long kiss to my cheek. "Is that good enough for now?"

"You know I'm kissing the hell out of you after the con, right?" I smirked.

Cody's blush darkened. His smirk matched mine. "Now, I do."

"Oh, what the hell," I caved and kissed him. Cody's gloved hand cupped my cheek as he kissed back.

We pulled back after a few romantic moments.

"Be a dear and go get my lip gloss?" I smiled sheepishly.

"Your wish is my command, Princess," he said then ran upstairs.

"Thank you, baby!" I called.


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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