1. A Girl With A Crush On An Older Boy

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Onika's P.O.V.


It's an unusually hot and humid night here in Detroit

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It's an unusually hot and humid night here in Detroit.

I mean, it is the middle of July right now, but let's be real, it's never usually like this here.

But today it is, and I keep on tossing and turning in my bed, unable to sleep.

Which I am immensely annoyed by, because I've got to be at work bright and early the next morning, waitressing tables at a local diner, trying to save up cash so that I could go away to college next year. I seriously need to get out of this hell hole, this dump I'm staying at with my hateful uncle.

So, I really do wish I could get some sleep right now, but the humidity in the air is causing the type of stickiness that makes it extremely uncomfortable to sleep.

And things don't get any better when I suddenly hear loud crashing noises outside.

As well as the shrill voice of one of my neighbors, this elderly white lady, Miss Marcy, yelling and cussing at somebody at the top of her lungs.

I swear, that old woman is always screaming at somebody over somwthing...

Then, that lil dog of hers begins to bark, the really small vicious one, and I can barely even make out Miss Marcy's words over the dog's barking, but she yells something along the lines of, "... You are always ruining my sleep!! Mine and my babies!! You hoodlums should be ashamed of yourseves!!"

I sigh and roll my eyes.

Then, a extremely angry male voice is responding to her, "FUCK YOU, YOU STUPID BITCH!!"

And my ears perk up as I immediately recognize the voice.

The same one that always gives me butterflies and makes me feel like a little school girl with a hopeless crush on an older boy.

Which is actually EXACTLY what I am.

I mean... I'm not in school anymore, having had graduated last year. But I do have a massive crush on this one older boy.

"FUCK YOU!!" The said older boy, Marshall Mathers repeats again angrily, his voice resonating violently, booming all through the neighborhood.

And against my better judgment, I'm already slipping out of bed.

With my little tank top and boy shorts on, I quickly run barefooted and peak through my bedroom window, lifting up the blinds.

Seeing my troubled neighbor, this guy Marshall that's moved into our neighborhood a few months ago with his ratchet ass baby mama. And his friend, the local drug dealer, Andre
Young, both currently having a screaming match with Miss Marcy.

That old lady has always hated Andre.

For a damn good reason too, since that man is literally a menace.

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