44. Fly Away

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Onika's P.O.V.

Walking away from Marshall that day, it was literally like the hardest thing that I've ever had to do

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Walking away from Marshall that day, it was literally like the hardest thing that I've ever had to do.

The second the door of the room I currently stay at his best friend's DeShawn's house closed behind me, I throw myself on the bed, bawling my eyes out, you guys.

I've just left this boy, and I already miss him so much!!

Like... he literally was everything I've ever wanted.

But the show had to go on though, and at the end of the day, I still chose ME.

And a very small part of me is really proud of that move too, even while the rest of me is literally crying out.

It's almost like a physical pain.

Like having a limb amputated or something.

Because I really did love him that much...

A couple of days later...

Shar and I are having lunch at a local diner.

I didn't really want to go out, but this girl literally forced me, y'all!!

Something about Sharonda's energy is legit contagious, she takes no prisoners once she makes up her mind on something. And I truly regret not making a friend like her sooner!!

Because this crazy ass girl had honestly helped me put through so much!

On the day Onika left Marshall...

"Do you think I've fucked up, girl?! Was I wrong to just walk away from him, I mean... I love him. I love him a lot!" I remember asking her back them.

"Sis, all I can tell you is that at the end of the day, you have to always do what's best for YOU. And if that white motherfucker is the real one? Then one day he would understand, and if he don't, then fuck that nigga!" Sharonda shrugged.

End of Flashback...

And now, I'm leaving for New York in exactly three days.

And Sharonda is calling it my going away party.

And, I will miss her, for real, like she's truly something else.

Then again, I will also miss a certain fuck boy, but we are not speaking on it, not at all!!

"Girl, I need to pee," I quietly day to Shar, getting up from the table.

"Shit bitch, me too," Sharonda then smirks, and the both of us make our way to the ladies room, doing whatever we had to do in there.

And by the time I'm washing my hands in the sink, one of the the stalks door is the ladies room opens up, and why am I even surprised right now...

"Kim," I quietly state, the whole time contemplating to myself whether I should drown her ass in the toilet right now. For what she did to me.

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