38. Disoriented

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Marshall's P.O.V.

By the time I finally made it back home, it was late as fuck

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By the time I finally made it back home, it was late as fuck.

I open the door and then lock it quietly behind me, walking into the dark house  knowing that all of the women in it must be asleep by now.

Turning on the lights in the living room, I then make my way into the kitchen area.

Damn, nothing to eat in this motherfucker?

There's a bunch of dirty pots and pans in the synk like Onika was fixing something, but no food. Aight, guess imma make myself a P&J sandwich then, I think to myself and proceed to look for some bread and take out a peanut butter jar from the cabinet. As I'm eating my lil sandwich, I'm noticing a piece of paper or something on the table and when I pick it up I see that it's a note from Kim.

Be back tomorrow, I took Hai over to my parents house so they could spend some time with her. Oh, and I don't know what time you will come home, but Onika told me to tell you that she went to some bar cause she needed to unwind. Something about her feeling overwhelmed

I read the note and frown at it, cause, huh? It ain't like Onika to wanna go to a bar by herself, and fuck it means she's feeling overwhelmed? Overwhelmed by what?! Then again, suppose this whole situation with Kim living with us, I know shit ain't easy for her, especially with how Kim is, I know she must be tormenting her whenever I'm not around, and I wish I could do something about that, dawg. But with Hailie involved in the mix, it ain't like I could just kick Kim out.

But for Onika to go to a bar though? By herself, fuck is this girl thinking? The only time bitches go to a goddamn bar by themselves is when they wanna get picked up by dudes and shit. Even if I know Onika ain't like that, I still felt a certain way about it, shit is just weird to me. Plus, my girl don't even drink like that.

Looking over at the note once more, I frown again, cause I thought Kim's folks wasn't talking to her no more, but maybe she's made up with them now or something. Well good, maybe the bitch can just move in with them now, while leaving my kid with me. Wishful motherfucking thinking.

I put my half eaten sandwich away and make my way up the stairs to the bedroom cause now I gotta peak at Onika and make sure that girl got home safe from whatever bar she went to. Still don't know what she did that for cause it ain't like her at all.

I open the door, and I wasn't gonna turn the light on or anything cause I wasn't tryna wake her, but then I stop dead in my tracks when I see some shit that makes me think my eyes is playing tricks on me or some shit. Cause I swear it looked likes there two bodies laying in my bed right now. One is Onika, the next is..

Oh fuck nah, I know this bitch ain't did me like that!

I flip the light switch on quick as fuck, no longer giving a shit about waking the damn girl, but that bitch ain't even move. She's sleeping so peacefully like she ain't some goddamn cheating ass slut, while the motherfucker that's laying in bed next to her starts to stir. He blinks his eyes like a dumbass, muttering a "Damn, what the..." just as I'm walking up to him and dragging the naked dude out of the bed and punching the fuck out of him.

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