37. A Peace Offering

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Onika's P.O.V.

The next few days were a hot mess

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The next few days were a hot mess.

This whole situation with Kim moving back into Marshall's house... obviously I already knew he wasn't going to kick her out on the streets, her being the mother of his child and all. I've figured that this evil ass bitch was here to stay, and maybe I'm a horrible person for this, but a huge part of me wished that he WOULD in fact throw her out and just keep Hailie.

And it's horrible and messy of me to even feel like that, but honestly, the way Kim's been acting towards me, especially when Marshall is not around to actually witness it, this girl is straight horrible to me, she's always got some slick shit to say to me, taunting me, not to mention that the whole situation is just so bizarre and awkward. Sometimes I literally feel like the third wheel and that maybe I should just leave, maybe I don't belong after all. Maybe I need to allow Marshall to be back with his family. I mean, I want to believe that it's me he loves and not Kim, but... it's just so strange living under the same roof as your boyfriend's ex.

And this house is not exactly a big house. There's a living room are and a kitchen downstairs, with only two other room on the second floor. One is the bedroom which Marshall and I occupy, then the other room is Hailie's nursery, where Kim now stays with her. And those two rooms are right next to each other, and the walls between them are not exactly thick.

Whenever Marshall and I speak to each other, we always have to whisper now, because otherwise, Kim can hear everything and she's always gotta have her input in our conversations.

I hate this, and I hate her. And today we legit almost had a physical fight because she had said something real slick to me while Marshall was in the shower, and I was going to drag her blonde ass all over this house by her hair, but then Marshall had ran up on us and separated us.

And I've felt pretty horrible about the whole thing afterwards, I mean, I understand that at least my man gets to spend time with his daughter right now while Kim is living here, plus, this was literally like hers and Marshall's place first.

"What did she say to you, huh?" Marshall asks me angrily later on during the night time while him and I lay in bed together. I turn away from him and stare at a wall. "What did Kim say to you earlier that upset you, Nicki?"

"Oh. Just the usual," I roll my eyes. "That I will be out of the picture soon, and that you'll be together with her in no time. And that you only love her."

"That fucking bitch. You know she's full of shit, right? Kim's just bitter, you get that, right, baby?"

"I guess," I roll my eyes again, not really saying anything else. I can't understand why he won't just kick her out. I mean... I sort of do, and I do know that it makes me sound like a horrible person, but I just sort of wish... she would just disappear, you know? And just leave Hailie with Marshall or something.

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