25. Spur Of The Moment

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Marshall's P.O.V.

After having dropped Onika off at her job at the bar where she sadly still works at while looking for something better, I then turn my beat down car around and drive to where Kim's new man house is at

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After having dropped Onika off at her job at the bar where she sadly still works at while looking for something better, I then turn my beat down car around and drive to where Kim's new man house is at. Which is in a much more well off part of the city, in some gated community type of shit.

The last time I've been there, I was able to sneak through the gates, all to see my daughter, which never happened anyhow.

Now, I've got to wait patiently for Kim to buzz me in, which she does.

After a few agonizing ass minutes though.

I legit was starting to think she was gonna leave me hanging. Like maybe her telling me to come over to see Hai was just some sick ass joke on her part and she is now gonna leave me standing outside like a fool.

But as soon as the security clears me out for coming in and I ring the doorbell, Kim opens it with our daughter in her arms.

"Hi, Marsh."


I don't really got much to say to Kim, so I keep it short with her.

But I can't lie, my cold ass heart melted almost instantly as soon as I laid eyes on my little girl.

"Well here," Kim says somewhat awkwardly, handing Hailie over to me as I step through the door. "I should've probably told you to come by earlier since it's almost her bed time right now anyways, but you can just put her to bed then and tuck her in," she continues to talk, but I pretty much just tune her out.

Watching Hai smile almost instantly as soon as I picked her up. Her little face lit up and she reaches her tiny hands to me, chubby fingers lightly grasping on the hem of my cap, pulling it down my face and low over my eyes. I chuckle ans adjust my hat on my head.

Hai looks so different. She's so damn big now, seems like she's grown quite a few inches since I've last seen her, which was then, almost two months ago?!

I swear to fuck man, a part of me wants to beat Kim's ass right now for keeping me away from my daughter for all this time, and for no good reason at all. Just to be spiteful, man, cause she is an evil ass bitch, yo.

I ain't gonna do shit to this slut right now however. I'm just glad that she did come to her senses and allowed me to finally see my kid.

"Dada," Hailie then coos almost inaudible like, snapping me out of my thoughts instantly.

My eyes widen, I must look like a goddamn deer caught in headlights just now, and the warmth practically explodes in my chest. She did say it, she actually spoke, and dada really was her first word, Kim ain't lie about that, cause frankly I had my doubts. This bitch lies about everything, you know what I'm saying?

"See what I told you, she really fucking missed you, Marsh," Kim now says from behind me and I quickly glance up at her.

"Don't cuss in front of her, Kim, I been told you about that. She picks things up pretty easily," I scold her and Kim rolls her eyes.

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