36. First Steps

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Marshall's P.O.V.

I should've killed that motherfucker

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I should've killed that motherfucker. Should've shot him in the head that day.

Those was the thoughts running through my head on a loop as I sat at the holding cell in jail.

I had so much anger in me, I wanted to be punching walls with my fists, I could barely contain myself.

I'm fucking livid right now, ain't even gonna lie. That cocksucker, Nicki's uncle, he needed to be fucking handled, yo. People like him don't got no right to breathe. And I should've ended him that day, but I had bitched up. Plus, Onika was talking all that shit to me, talking about some, please don't, Marshall, I don't want you to end up locked up because of this piece of shit,


Some time later...

Eventually, my name gets called out by one of the guards, telling me that I have made bail once again.

Onika is the one standing outside the jail building to greet me as I walk out.

So I immediately walk closer to her, placing my hand at the small of her back. I pull her towards me and kiss her. Fuck, I do love the fuck outta this girl.

"I love you, Marshall," she whispers, running her fingers through the back of my stupid bleached head.

"I love you, baby," I say back to her, my hand cupping her chin, pulling her in for another sloppy kiss. "And I'm sorry."

"For what?" She asks me, staring up at me through slightly hooded lids. She's so pretty, I swear.

"For not being able to keep my mouth shut. I just couldn't, yo, I swear. Not after hearing all that straight hogwash ya bitch ass uncle's lawyer was reading off of that paper. I just couldn't sit there and just listen to it, you know what I'm saying? But I'm sorry, baby. I hope ot ain't affect the outcome of the hearing."

"Marshall, it's all good," Onika sighs. "Let's just get out of here, okay?"

"Shit. Say no more."

I grab her hand ans pretty much drag her towards my car parked a few blocks aways from the court building.

A couple of fucking reporters waiting for us right there.

"Ms Maraj, how do you feel about Mr Rashaad Williams basically getting off with a slap upon on his wrist after allegedly attempting to rape you, as you claim?" One of them cocksuckers asks Onika who frowns.

The whole time, my mind is racing.

Fuck they mean, a slap on his wrist?! Please don't tell me that piece of shit ain't really got off scott free for real? Nah, man. Don't tell me that shit, dawg!

"Please, leave us alone," Onika pleads with the reporters then, just as a familiar face appears.

That Jane Yamomoto chick.

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