12. Hit Em Up

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Onika's P.O.V.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of rap music playing on low volume in the room, and Marshall is no longer in bed next to me

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of rap music playing on low volume in the room, and Marshall is no longer in bed next to me.

He is instead seated on the floor right by the bed, and he is apparently watching music videos on my old black and white TV.

He is fully dressed again and he's baby blue eyes are trained intensely on the TV, squinting slightly from time to time. He seems to be in his own world though.

I sit up in the bed, stretching lightly, slightly uncomfortable from having had sleept fully clothed. A tight tee and skinny jeans are not exactly ideal for sleep after all, but what else was I supposed to do when laying in bed next to a guy I had no business to have in my bed in the first place??

A small yawn forces it's way past my lips and I cover my mouth with my hand, then rub my eyes like a small child, attenting to rub the rest of the sleep from them.

I look around the room and notice rays of sun shine peaking through the curtains in my room, then my eyes land of the clock on the wall, and u see that it's just past 11pm.

Dang, I overslept, I usually get up at around 9am. Good thing that today is my day off from work.

I glance down at Marshall's form again, studying his profile. Damn, he is so cute!! But it's a good thing we haven't done anything last night, cause that honestly would've been a huge mistake.

Still, the memory of his lips on mine and his hands making contact with my skin sends a sort of shiver down my body and I have to pinch myself to snap out of it.

Just then, he turns his head slightly and notices that I'm up.

"Shit yo, my bad. This woke you up, Onika?" He asks me, his blue eyes studying my face in concern, and they seem so much clearer now that he's apparently managed to sleep off his previously drunken state.

Marshall then grabs the TV remote that was just laying on the floor next to him, ans he lowers the volume even more on the music videos he was just watching.

"That's my bad, girl," he repeats again. "I ain't mean to just help myself to your stuff, but I was bored as fuck, yo."

"It's, um... cool," I wave him off and gesture for him to turn the volume back up on the TV. "I usually get up way earlier than this anyways."

"Oh, for real, you an early bird too?" Marshall then asks me. "I usually get up early as hell cause I have trouble sleeping sometimes."

"Well, I don't really have trouble with that, but I do like to get up early," I shrug, then glance at the TV. "You like rap?" I ask, realizing that I hardly even know anything about this guy, other than the fact that he's handsome, has a crazy evil bitch baby momma and a daughter that he loves more than anything, and that I've had the most pathetic crush on him for the longest.

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