30. You Better Love Me

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Onika's P.O.V.

"BITCH WHAT THE FUCK IS YA PROBLEM NOW?! GODDAMIT, KIM! WHAT YOU EVEN DOIMG HERE, YOU FUCKING SLUT?!" Marshall bellows in his baby mommy's face, quickly walking up to her and leaving me behind

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"BITCH WHAT THE FUCK IS YA PROBLEM NOW?! GODDAMIT, KIM! WHAT YOU EVEN DOIMG HERE, YOU FUCKING SLUT?!" Marshall bellows in his baby mommy's face, quickly walking up to her and leaving me behind.

Deshaun, Sharonda, Rufus, and the rest of the boys all just staring at them as Marshall and Kim argue and scream at each other outside of the back entrance of the club.

"Fuck you, Marshall!! I only came here to have fun, that isn't illegal or nothing, is it, you psychopath?! But then I like, spotted this young bitch you are currently pretending to having had replaced me here with you, so naturally, I had to give her a piece of my mind!!" His baby momma yells, jamming her thumb towards me as Marshall chuckles.

"Yo, I'm so fucking done with you, Kim. For real, you slut. I'm finished. Go and..."

"Keep telling yourself that lie, you idiot!! You still WANT me and you still love me, and it's so fucking obvious!!"

"Bitch, shut the hell up! I been got done with ya whore ass!"

"No, you are not!! You still love me, Marsh, and you are just using this dumb whore to make me jealous, and I get that!"

"Are you fucking outta your goddamn rabbit ass mind, slut?!"

"No, but I'm just keep it real with you. 'You know what I'm saying?' Kim mocks Marshall's voice while continuing to gesture towards me. "This young bitch means nothing to you, Marsh. Just admit it!" She then caresses his cheek with one of her hands and he slaps it away.

Which causes her to slap him hard across the face, leaving an angry red mark behind.

Marshall's nostrils flare in anger and he slaps Kim back, backhanding the hell out of her in fact.

Only causing her to laugh.

"Yeah, go ahead, Marsh, get mad!!" She exclaims evilly, walking up real close to him and getting all up in his face, seemingly expecting something.

"Yo, I swear to fuck, Kim, get the hell away from me, or so help me God!" Marshall bellows breathing hard as fuck.

"Oh WHAT?! WHAT YA GONNA DO, MARSH?!" her voice taking on like this clearly challenging tone, Kim clearly knows how to push his buttons.

Something I've been realized this woman knows how to do real well with him.

"What are you going to do, Marsh?" She then whispers to him, suddenly lowering her voice, and he looks truly lost for a few seconds.

And I'm experiencing déjá vû all over again.

Of that one time they've fought right in front of me before.

"Fuck outta my face, Kim," Marshall then chuckles, attempting to walk away from her, but she grabs his arm, and I had finally had enough!

"Fucking let it go, girl! He don't want you anymore, why can't you get that?!" I exclaim, pouncing on her and getting in Kim's face.

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