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Onika's P.O.V.

1 year later...

Crazy how things can change in a year

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Crazy how things can change in a year.

I haven't seen Marshall since that day at the airport, we've barely talked actually.

Life kept getting in the way, plus, I simply couldn't talk to him after hearing that song that he made for me.

It was just so... beautiful, and in a way it broke my heart even more. I know for a fact that I would never truly get over this boy, but I had to let him go, so that I could follow my dreams, and he could follow his.

Now I see his face everywhere.

Marshall actually blew up over there in LA, and then everywhere else, his songs get played everywhere, and he's apparently like... this huge celebrity now.

Which is still somewhat unbelievable for me to even wrap my mind around.

Not because I didn't believe he could do this, because I did. And he totally deserves it too. It's just... so surreal to me to see all these people literally worship now the same man I once knew as just a regular guy, his success incredible, and only happening in a spun of a year.

Marshall had sent me that album he recorded too, the one that's made him famous, even though I've already bought my own copy at the Virgin Megastore in New York, just to support him.

Still, I haven't talked to him though. The thing is that at the campus where I'm currently living while going to school, we do have caller ID, and I've been screening his calls for the longest, until he eventually stopped trying.

I just... I can't really like, explain it, but ever since finally working up enough courage to listen to that song he wrote about me, I simply can't bring myself to speak to him. I feel too scared. Like I'm so weak for him that the moment I hear his voice, I would want to drop everything and run straight into his arms, and I can't afford that. This whole medschool dream being such a huge part of my life for the longest. It's literally like a part of who I am, but then again, loving this boy also is, apparently, because I still miss him so much.

But forget all that, Marshall and I, our story is in the past, and I am now one out of four years of completing medical school, after which, I would start mine residency at a local hospital. I really have to stay focused, I can't afford to think about my ex right now.

So, I've stayed focused, and honestly? I haven't been doing too bad neither. I mean... at times it's hard, and certain things I've really struggled to get through here, like all of the bloody and gory stuff, a good example of it being having to dissect frogs, then moving onto working with actual human cadavers. All of that had literally made me want to cry and run away from this profession, but then I remembered why I'm wanting to get into this field in the first place, an answer to it being that I want to make a difference one day and help people. As cliché as it might sound to some.

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