49. Closure

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Long chapter ahead, after which, I'm sure y'all would be angry with me all over again, although for totally different reasons y'all was angry with me after the last chapter lmaoooo


Onika's P.O.V.

Everything happens so quick then

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Everything happens so quick then...

I guess I blank out for a few minutes, due to most likely my uncle hitting me over the head with something, maybe that gun in his hand...

And by the time I come through, one of my worst fears is being tied up and helpless again, just like that last time...

But no, my evil uncle hasn't tied me up this time.

Instead, I wake up laying on what I quickly recognize as the bathroom floor.

And I'm slowly sit up, dizzy, disoriented, and my whole head buzzing like crazy.

The whole room is spinning in front of me, but somehow I still manage to make my way crawling towards the bathroom door and turn the knob, which appears to be locked. I let out a quiet frustrated yell, bur try it again anyways.

Still locked from the outside.

Then, I hear my uncle's voice, appearing to speak to somebody, but it seems to be like a one-sided conversation, and I quickly figure out that Rashaad is talking to somebody on the phone.

"Yeah, I have her, so you best come, and you best come alone, white man. Or I would put a bullet in that gyal's brain, I swear to God. Just you alone, whole man. No cops, and none of your lame ass security. Don't be a coward or she dies..." Uncle Rashaad states harshly, and then I feel a dull pain settle somewhere at the back of my skull, my vision blurs, and I pass out again, even if I'm fighting so hard against doing just so, because it seeks to me like I might have a contusion.

And going to sleep while having one of those unmentioned might result in one slipping into a coma, and I certainly wouldn't want that....


Some time later, I wake up to the sound of uncle Rashaad's harsh tone of voice.

"Get the fuck up, gyal!!"

I open my eyes, my lashes blinking rapidly a few times.

My uncle is staring down at me, so I scramble to sit up on the bathroom floor.

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