10. I'm Leaving You

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Marshall's P.O.V.

"Kim, don't even start with me right now, yo

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"Kim, don't even start with me right now, yo. Cause I ain't in the mood for no bs for real," I scoff angrily, pushing past my baby mama, with my daughter still held close to my chest.

This girl, she chose to come back home at the worst possible time, for real.

Cause I'm just too exhausted right now, yo.

All I wanna do is settle Hai in her crib, take a goddamn shower and then take my ass straight to bed.

Not argue with no goddamn lying ass hoe!

Kim follows right on my heels though. Never having been the one to just let shit go.

"No!! Hell no, you are gonna have to explain this shit to me first, Marshall! Why our daughter was just at that young bitch's across the street house!!" She huffs and puffs behind my back as I tiredly pull off my hoodie and undershirt off of my body, heading towards the bathroom after having put Hailie in her lil bed in the nursery.

I try and open the bathroom door but Kim throws herself against it.

I inhale heavily then, pulling air in my lungs, then letting it out through gritted teeth.

For some weird ass reason, it had irked me like a motberfucker too how she kept calling Onika outta her name.

"Watch your goddamn mouth, Kim! Cause that 'young bitch' has actually been looking after our kid while..."

"WHILE WHAT?! What the fuck, Marshall?! What were you thinking?! You just left Hailie with some random ass girl next door?! What kinda father are you?!"

Quickly flicking her fingers in my face, Kim pushes her index into my forehead.

Promptly snatching her by her wrist, I squeeze tightly.

"Maybe the kinda father that tries to do anything for his seed, bitch!" I hiss in her ear once bringing her closer to my body.

Kim laughs in my face, just like she always does.

"Oh yeah?! How you achieving that, Marshall?! By pushing dope on the streets? Yeah, I know all about that, you idiot!!"

"Oh?" I laugh a short bitter laugh then. "Just like I know all about that massage parlor owner you've been laid up with all them goddamn days then, slut?!" I yell the question at her, feeling the veins in my neck and forehead pop like crazy.

Here this bitch goes, bringing the worse out of me again.

Kim stares at me, and to her credit, she does look shocked for a quick second.

"How do you..." she starts to say.

"BITCH, CAUSE I BE HEARING THINGS, YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING?!" I yell even louder now, my whole goddamn face undoubtedly turning red from anger. "You are not nearly as slick as you think you are, slut! Cause everything you be doing, it always comes back to me. So don't even stand there and try to front, whore."

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