7. I Need Your Help

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Onika's P.O.V.

A few days later

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A few days later

My uncle is still not back yet, thank God.

Cause I can really use these days of freedom from living in constant fear of random abuse.

My shifts at work are currently back to normal, like, they don't ask me to stay anymore crazy hours anymore, I just show up to do what I have to do, then I leave.

Exactly as I've done today.

As in seriously, today is just exactly like any other day for me.

Except for the fact that, when I pull up and park in front of my uncle's house, I see this familiar white boy sitting casually on the top step.

Causing my heart to immediately leap, cause like... What the fuck is Marshall doing here?!

We haven't spoken to each other ever since that one episode when some guys were trying to beat him up, and I had pulled a gun on them assholes, and Marshall then... cussed me out for it?!

And then he also like... kissed me...

I don't know y'all, this white boy is confusing as hell, he might actually be bipolar or something, and I'm honestly so done trying to figure him out.

Done with his shit completely.

And yet, here he is now, sitting on MY front porch.

With a small baby in his arms. His daughter. Hailie.

"Yo Onika, it's my bad for popping up on you like this out of the blue, for real. Especially after all of the shit that's went down with us lately, you know what I'm saying? But I need your help, girl," he states casually, causing my eyes to widen some more.


Marshall's P.O.V.

One hour earlier..

Making my way back inside of my home, I quickly notice that Kim and my daughter are both nowwhere to be found.

I ain't know if Kim maybe took Hailie out for a walk or some shit, but still.

Fuck is going on, yo?!

The answer to my silent question quickly coming in a form of a knock on the door.

One of my neighbors, Miss Brooks, this older, slightly over-weight woman, standing behind it, balancing my baby daughter on her hip, with Hai's overnight bag and her folded up stroller on her other hand.

"Hi there, Marshall," she smiles, showing me all of her teeth.

"Hi, Ms Brooks," I say, instinctively reaching out for my daughter and she's quick to place the sleeping Hai in my arms. "Wassup?"

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