47. Exposed

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Onika's P.O.V.

When I wake up the next morning, it's to this like

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When I wake up the next morning, it's to this like... really pleasurable feeling, like I was having a sexy dream or something, everything is wet and there's a pulse beating between my legs, my breathing erratic, and I can't even tell why at first.

Then my eyes flutter open, and I see the top of my ex-boyfriend's head in between my slightly parted legs, working on me.

Which explains a lot...

"Marshall, what are you..." I manage to breathe out then, just as he briefly looks up at me, the eye contact he's giving me so intense.

"Just figured I'd give you something good to wake up to," he then rasps, before going back to what he was previously doing, gripping firmly at my thighs, just as my legs shake, the pleasure washing over my whole body completely.

An impulsive moan escapes my lips as the back of my head involuntarily falls back on the pillows as one of my hands cups around Marshall's head, cupping it and running my fingernails through his short hair.

"Oh, God!!" I let out while coming.

Then, I'm just laying there, panting heavily while this boy continues to plant soft kisses against the inside of my thighs.

I try to catch my breath, but once he reaches my clit, I have to literally push his head back.

"Ma... Marshall, stop..."  I whisper yell, because it's too much, and I'm already too sensitive.

Still, he ignores me, and pulls my clit into his mouth with his lips...

"S...stop," I whimper, but still, he keeps going.

By the time I come a second time, I'm not sure I'm even me anymore. I'm just... gone...

Why is he doing this to me, he's so evil...

Marshall smirks and he kisses his way up my body now instead, his face eventually getting eye level with mines, his grey blue eyes studying my brown ones intently.

"Was it good for you, baby?" He asks me, pretending to be coy, like he don't know what he just did.

"I guess so," I manage to get out in response.

"Aight then," still very much so intense, he cups my jaw, then kisses my lips softly, and from that point on, it's on once again.

His hand slowly traveling in between my thighs, Marshall teases me until I couldn't take anymore, then he slides his dick inside me, totally different from how he did it last night though. He's very gently with me this time, and as we make love, his hands intevine with mine, pressing me into the bedsheets as he's giving me those deep but powerful strokes..............

"Oh my God!!" I practically cry out once I finally come again.

Marshall rolls off of me and lays on his back, pulling me over towards him to lay on his chest instead, he presses a kiss to my temple.

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