4. You Have A Girlfriend

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Marshall's P.O.V.

The second that dumb chick called herself saying hi to me in front of Kim, I swear, I could've strangled her ass

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The second that dumb chick called herself saying hi to me in front of Kim, I swear, I could've strangled her ass.

I mean, technically it was just a simple hi, but Kim ain't gonna see it that way, I could already hear the wheels in her head turning and her getting beside herself in her jealousy.

Cause Kim is that type, yo. Insecure as fuck and would flip her shit the second another female would so much as nod her head in my direction. She's always been this way, even though she loves to be all up in other dude's faces too, batting her lashes at them and acting like a slut.

Still though, things was somewhat good between us ever since we angry fucked a few hours ago.

And I had mentally decided to bury whatever bs that was going on with us before, just like we always do.

For better or for worse, Kim is my motherfucking girl, plus, we got Hai to think about now too. I could never get away from the bitch now if I wanted to. So no sense of us being all up in knives with each other, you know what I'm saying?

So I was tryna make it work with her again, for real, and we was actually getting along.

Now, Kim is angrily strolling back in the house behind me, carrying Hailie in her arms.

"Fuck was that, huh, Marshall?! Why was that young bitch saying hi to you?!"

"Oh, I don't know, Kim. Maybe just to be nice cause, ya know, we are all neighbors! And stop cussing in front of Hai, how many times I gotta tell you that?" I huff angrily.

Kim puts Hailie in her crib and then turns towards me and slaps the shit out of me.

"You asshole!! I fucking hate you, Marshall!!"

She slaps me again.

I clench my jaw and push her real hard against the wall.

Seconds later, we fucking.

"Still hate me now, huh, bitch?!" I growl into Kim's ear, hitting it from behind.

"No, no, I love you!!" She moans. "I love you, I love you, Marshall!!"

I don't respond to her words at all, don't even say shit back, but just continue to pound the fuck out of her.

I fucking hate her, yo!!

But that pussy gets me every time...

Then, only hours later, the house phone rings and Kim rushes to pick it up.

I'm currently in the process of feeding Hailie through her bottle, so I just stay in the nursery with my daughter.

But even so, I can still hear my woman's hushed voice as she whispers to somebody over the phone. The walls in this house being thin as fuck, I can clearly hear her flirting and saying sweet nothings to some cocksucker, my blood literally boiling the whole time.

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