26. Connections

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Onika's P.O.V.

There's a light tap on Marshall's front door, so I go to answer it, putting aside my popcorn bowl I was just eating from while watching some movie on the living room couch

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There's a light tap on Marshall's front door, so I go to answer it, putting aside my popcorn bowl I was just eating from while watching some movie on the living room couch.

Today is my day off from work after all, so I'm just like chilling and relaxing, while Marshall has gone to Kim's place again to visit with his daughter.

Which is like honestly great, I'm glad that Kim girl is letting him see Hailie again, and I even low key miss that child myself a little bit, but still I sort of hate him being alone with his ex though. I remember too vividly exactly how she like threw herself at Marshall that time they were arguing in this living room before, and all I can do is hope he will resist her the next time she does something like this. But I'm trying my best to trust him, because after all, the boy had finally told me he loved, y'all!!

And that feeling was honestly something indescribable. The amount of butterflies I got from it was insane, and I could've died right there on the spot.

Because I love him so damn much too, been in love with this boy for the longest, and I want to trust him too...

But anyways.

Somebody is knocking on the door right now, so I put the bowl of popcorn aside and quickly make my way towards it, standing on mu toes and look throw the peep hole.

Seeing the local drug dealer's Dre's large frame looming behind it.

What does he want...

"Um, hi, Dre," I utter sweetly, opening the door just slightly.

The large man just nods.

"'Sup, Onika. Slim here?" He asks me.

"Um, no, Dre, Marshall isn't here right now, but like... did you want something, because I surely would relay the message to him..." I start to say, but my voice then quickly trails off as Dre unceremoniously pushes open the door, causing me to back up as he makes his way inside the house.

"Best I speak to you then, Onika," he states coldly, shutting the door behind him.

I sigh deeply and immediately feel all kinds of shivers run through my body from fear. Dre isn't nobody to play with after all.

"About what?" I ask him as calmly as I can then, hugging myself unconsciously, my arms crossing over my boobs as I watch Dre frown at me.

The local drug dealer chuckles, studying my face intently.

"You know what, Onika? Back when you first got with Slim, I had thought you was actually good for the nigga. I swear to God, I did. Cause I mean, you sure as fuck was better for him than that other bitch was, that Kim, she used to always make my boy get all emotional and be all in his feelings for no reason at all, throwing that nigga off of his game, and I couldn't have that. So naturally, I was glad once Slim had dumped that hoe for good and moved on to something better. Which was you," Dre smirks then looking me up and down.

I frown, and feel like my soul is literally like leaving my body right now, but still, I continue to stand my ground, y'all.

"But see now, Onika, now you be the one throwing him off of his game all of a sudden," Dre states to me emotionlessly, seemingly pondering to himself. "Cause all of a sudden the nigga be like, I ain't wanna push dope no more, Dre, imma get me a real job, make an honest living and all, " he mocks Marshall's voice. "And now see, that's sort of a problem for me, pretty girl, cause Slim happens to be one of my best corner boys. I mean, people can say whatever about the nigga, and most of it would most likely be true. M is in fact reckless and crazy as all hell, but one thing about that white dude is that he's also dedicated as hell. And he's got a sort of discipline about him, he gets real dedicated to his craft. When it comes to whatever the fuck it is that he do. And while he was working for me, Slim was damn near perfect. Till he started fucking with your ass, Onika, that is. Now, all of a sudden, he don't wanna push dope no more, and I blame it on you, baby girl. And the way I see it, you's bad for business. Real bad. So imma need for you to step off, and I'm asking you nicely this time. Respectful and all, cause of all of the shit you've been through bee, what with your pedophile uncle and all. But I won't ask you again though. Back the fuck off and don't mess with my business," Dre warns me.

"Is it all Marshall is to you then?" I ask him quietly then, my vouce barely above a whisper just as the local dealer was about to walk away.


"Is it all Marshall is to you, just somw corner boy? Because he's got way more potential than that," I exclaim passionately.  "My... my man, he can do so much better than just this, and he will too!! I mean, have you ever seen him at The Hip-Hop Shop battling?"

Dre laughs at my words, walking back up towards me.

"The Hip-Hop Shop? Onika, that shit is for rap battles, and I know damn well Slim can't rap."

"Oh, but he can," I shrug, and Dre frown.

"Ayo, for true? How come the white motherfucker never told me that before?"

"I don't know," I shrug.

Dre smirks, then seems to ponder something to himself.

"Slim never told me no shit like that for real," he then grumbles, seemingly pondering to himself. "But imma come check him out one of these days, let me find out nigga really COULD battle. And rap too. Cause one thing nobody realizes about me is that I've got connections. I know some people that dabble in the music business, and if Slim really is good at what he does for real, then I could hook that nigga up. But it's only if he's good and not just some clown tryna be down," he then adds.

"Oh my God, like Dre, believe me, he's..." I start to say.

"Naw, imma have to see it for myself to believe it," Dre then cuts me off. "Nigga never said shit to me before after all, which makes me wonder. Maybe he ain't great for real.."


I know that this was a super short chapter, y'all, but just bear with me here...

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