46. Toxic

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A very long & TOXIC (as y'all could already guess from the title) chapter ahead, just so y'all are aware lol. And I wasn't even planning for this, but I just couldn't help myself 😫😫


Marshall's P.O.V.

Waking up next to Onika was weird

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Waking up next to Onika was weird. But it also felt like home.

Those first couple seconds after I grudgingly forced my eyes open, feeling her petite body tucked next to mine, shit was like traveling back in time, back to before this weird fame shit happened to me out of the blue sky.

And I can't front, I don't exactly hate all of it, cause it feels nice to be able to properly provide for my daughter now, and not being poor no more, plus, I finally get to make a living off of something I actually like which is rap, but still there was certain aspects of my old life that I've missed.

Being with Onika being one of them.

That girl IS home to me, and I never stopped loving her.

And now that she's snuggling next to me, shit feels almost surreal like.

But good.

Even if I'm still somewhat pissed at her.

Cause she ain't never called or returned a motherfucker's calls, she never bothered to stay in touch at all. And that shit did upset me, not gonna front. It was like she ain't even care.

But the way she looks at me right now, just waking up from sleep, I can kinda tell that is not the case.

See, Onika always was an open book for me, it ain't hard to read her emotions at all, and the way she's looking at me, I know something must still be there.

And she's so pretty to me. Last night, i had wanted to fuck her so bad, but I held back, cause well... that shit, I can get it from any bitch anyhow, but I know Nicki don't really get down like that. She's always been a good girl, always been pure, and I ain't wanna treat her how I would any other groupie slut.

Cause I did lie to her about something. When I had told her I never fuck none of them girls, it was bullshit, cause occasionally, I do.

I mean fuck man, they throw themselves at me like there's no tomorrow, and a motherfucker has needs. And it ain't even like Onika and myself are together, she fucking broke it off with me. Messing up my head in the process too, cause I fucking needed her, man.

But still, I figured it would hurt her if she knew, so I never said shit. Maybe I should've though.

Now, she's looking up at me, somewhat confused, somewhat lost, but always so damn pretty.

"Marshall... did we fall asleep? What time is it?" She now asks me in a small sleepy voice, looking up at me as she places her palm flat across my chest and then rests her chin on top if her hand.

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