22. Nicki

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Marshall's P.O.V.

After I angrily blurted those words out to her, Onika just stands there and stares at me like a goddamn deer caught in headlights

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After I angrily blurted those words out to her, Onika just stands there and stares at me like a goddamn deer caught in headlights.

Her brown eyes widen, become huge on her face, and her plump lips part just slightly, but she ain't saying shit, and after a few seconds of this bs, I start to get nervous.

"Ain't you gonna respond at all?" I ask her, and it comes out more harshly then intended due to me suddenly being all in my head and shit.

"Well, I..." she trails off, stammering over her words and looking up at me sadly.

Instantly making me feel like the dumbest motherfucker, yo.

Here I am, pouring my heart out, and the bitch don't even got the decency to say nothing, and all, and maybe she don't even like me like that.

I always assumed she did.

But maybe she don't.

Or maybe this shit with me and Kim was too much for her, I don't fucking know.

Either way, that silence spoke louder than words to me, she's obviously rejecting me, and that shit hit my pride hard like a motherfucker. I don't even wanna look at her no more, yo. Cause now I feel like some corny ass sissy ass dude, and... Yo, fuck this shit!

"Ya know what, you don't even gotta say shit, Onika. Cause I already see wassup," I spit the words out in a monotone, doing my best to sound as nonchalant about this as possible. Onika's eyes going even bigger now if that was even humanly possibly as I push away from the door.

"Forget that I even..."

Long delicate fingers attempting to wrap over my left bicep as I'm starting to walk away from her. I scoff bitterly, looking from her hand on my arm to her face, ice grilling the fuck outta her to hide the fact that her rejection actually hurts.

"Marshall, I didn't say no," Onika whispers softly, and I feel my jaw clench involuntarily.

"I um... actually... okay," she then continues to stammer through her words.

"Okay what?!" I frown.

"Like okay, I'm saying okay. I wanna... I want to be your girl too," she softly says.

And in that moment, relief had washed over me like a motherfucker, I felt myself grinning like an idiot, steeping closer to her.

"Yeah?" I smirk, looking down at her.

Onika bites her lip nervously and nods.

"Yeah," she says, then starts rambling fast as fuck, something I been noticed she always does when she's nervous.

"I mean, um... I don't even know how this will work out between us, Marshall. Cause like... I've never even had a boyfriend before, which you could already guess. Obviously. And I don't know if I should still like stay at your place, or if I should move out, and then we just date, because that would make sense, we definitely should date first before moving in together. Like shit's so backwards with this relationship already. And then also, your baby mama.."

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