5. I'm Grown!!

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Marshall's P.O.V.

A few days later

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A few days later

Making my way out of mines and Kim home, on the way to that shitty ass job at the power plant, I spot Onika, sitting at the front porch of her house.

And it's been a minute since I've talked to this girl, yo.

Truth be told, I wasn't supposed to say shit to her at all.

Not since that day I had fucked her that one time, cause she literally ain't mean shit to me.

Plus, she was dumb as fuck with how easily she just gave it up to me that night.

I mean, she had to have known that I was gon fuck her and toss her aside like nothing. She should've seen that shit coming, even if she obviously had a thing for me for the longest.

Me and Dre, we used to joke about that too, as a matter of fact, cause shit was so obvious.

And when I had screwed her that night, it was exactly as I had thought it would be.

The chick ain't had no experience, which was obvious.

And she had been so shy it was damn near pathetic.

Her lil pussy was tight as fuck though.

So I did have my fun with her.

And I have no clue as to why I had kept entertaining her after that.

My guess is that she was useful, I suppose.

Whenever Kim and I would get into it and the bitch would kick me out, Onika always opened her doors for me and allowed me to spend the night again, even if she never again allowed me to touch her.

Which was something I could use. Just to take the edge off, but aight cool, whatever.

And right now, I do feel shitty for how I had gone about it the other day with her, but then again, the lil bitch should've known better than get all personal with me.

Should've known better than to threaten my relationship with my baby momma, cause I fucking love Kim to death, and nobody comes between me and my family ever.

Still, though, I ain't had to choke her out like that or say whatever the fuck I had said to her in the heat of the moment.

Cause I get like that sometimes, yo.

Whenever I feel as though either myself, my family, or my manhood is being questioned, I just have to retaliate, yo!

And that's exactly what's went down that day with me and that stupid ass fine ass girl.

But now some strange reasoning is compelling me to walk up to the front porch of her house and say something to her.

"Yo, Onika," I then speak all awkward like, with my hands shoved into the pockets of my pants.

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