11. Ride Or Die

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Onika's P.O.V.

Driving back from yet another late night shift, I'm honestly exausted as hell, y'all

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Driving back from yet another late night shift, I'm honestly exausted as hell, y'all.

Thank fucking God that Uncle Rashaad is currently gone yet again, because I couldn't possibly deal with his temper and the abuse right now. Which has only been intensifying lately.

Now, I'm just glad to be be back at work and that my manager hasn't fired me just yet, for missing so many damn days, because right now, I seriously do need this job.

I am, like, THIS close to finally having had saved up enough money to afford my own place somewhere, without it affecting my funds for once it's time for me to move to New York, after I'm accepted in med school. I been sent them my application already. Then I won't have to put up with my uncle's leather belt ways anymore.

Those thoughts rushing through my head as I'm continuing to drive through the dark and dreary Detroit streets.

Things seriously do be looking gloomy as shit in this godforsaken Warren neighborhood.

It's usually been pretty much quiet for me though, aside from the drama between Uncle Rashaad and I, something that literally nobody even knows about. I continue to stay to myself and stay out of trouble.

And today is my birthday too, I have just turned 20, but I'm treating it like a regular day, no celebration or nothing, cause it's not even that of a big deal for me. I would celebrate once I get accepted into med school though, and I will definitely turn up next year when I hit the big 21. That's like a turning point mark and reason to go all out. 20 on the other hand is just another year and nothing really special like that.

As those thoughts tiredly run through my mind, I'm pulling up to my uncle's house and parking the car. Slamming the front door shut, I step out in a lair of tight jeans and a form fitting white tee, with my usual comfy kicks on my feet, carrying my purse and folded up work uniform in my hands.

Only to stop in my tracks when I notice a crouched male silhouette sitting on my front porch.

It's pretty damn dark outside, one of the street lights that happens to be near my uncle's house having recently been busted by some gang memebers, and for like a second or two it's a whole jumpscare, and I actually get nervous, until my eyes adjust some more to darkness and I'm able to make out the top of a blonde head.

It's pretty damn dark outside, one of the street lights that happens to be near my uncle's house having recently been busted by some gang memebers, and for like a second or two it's a whole jumpscare, and I actually get nervous, until my eyes adju...

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