17. Creature Of Habit

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Marshall's P.O.V.

"I keep telling you, dawg, come through to The Hip-Hop shop sometime

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"I keep telling you, dawg, come through to The Hip-Hop shop sometime. Battle some of these rusty ass motherfuckers like you used to. Show them how it's done," DeShaun, one of my peoples from my old hood where Kim and I used to live before saving up enough to buy a house, for all good that it did us, tells me over the phone.

"Nah, dawg, you know I don't do that shit no more," I smirk, brushing him off. I stopped battling motherfuckers after I finally said goodbye to that stupid ass dream of making it as a rapper.

"Well shit nigga, just roll through then. None of us seen your crazy Casper ass for fuck knows how long ," DeShaun jokes.

"I might swing by soon," I reply back.

We chop it up some more, then I hang up the phone, placing receiver back on the hook against the wall and walk up to the bathroom door to take a piss, but jiggling the knub, I quickly realize that it's locked and then hear the sounds of the water running.

Onika did tell me that she was gonna wash her hair earlier, and now I quickly realize that I'm fucked. I might as well find me an empty bottle to piss in now cause when that chick gets in there to wash her hair, she be in there forever, cause she apparently has to do like a hundred thousand unnecessary ass steps.

I mean, c'mon, yo, it's just washing your head, shit is so simple, but she gotta make it complicated as fuck for no reason, yo.

Still, being a creature of habit that I am, it ain't take long for me to get used to Onika staying at my place with me, even if she keeps on insisting that it's just temporary and till she's able to get a spot of her own, being that the house she used to stay at with her piece of shit uncle has recently been repossessed, all of that cocksucker's stuff being put in a pile outside on the street by a moving company.

Onika told me she ain't even know that things was this bad with that dude not keeping up with his mortgage payments, but apparently he's been losing it for a while.

And the piece if shit apparently had been dipping into the cash that Onika had stashed away somewhere at that house while he had her all tied up upstairs, so most of her savings are now gone too, which I could tell broke her heart.

Which in turn infuriated me like a motherfucker, I swear, I should've beat his ass harder that day. Hell, I should've killed him.

The amount of rage I felt when I found her like that and when I realized what that girl had been through for three days straight while I was locked up shocked the fuck out of me, to be honest.

But that's when I knew I wasn't lying to her when I had said to her that I was feeling her.

Now, I just wanna keep her safe.

But things been somewhat tense between us.

Onika's been real quiet, which I suppose is understandable, considering all of the fuck shit she's been through.

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