6. Weak

613 23 37

Onika's P.O.V.

After how my uncle had beat me mercilessly that day, I was bruised and sore for a few days, so much so, that I kept on taking off of work, simply because it was hard for me to even move, let alone walk

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After how my uncle had beat me mercilessly that day, I was bruised and sore for a few days, so much so, that I kept on taking off of work, simply because it was hard for me to even move, let alone walk.

I mean, he's beat me pretty badly before, but never quite like this.

Eventually though, I did have to just suck it up and start going in to work once again, simply because my manager called me and said if I miss one more shift, as busy as it always is at this restaurant, then I will be let go. Not to mention also the fact that staying at home also means having to face Uncle Rashaad and after what he's done to me, I honestly want to be as far away from him as possible. I couldn't wait for him to have to be away again for his job, getting another assignment to drive trucks all over the country.

And ironically enough, the day I finally go in to work is also when my uncle finally leaves for his next assignment.

Anyways, my boss really was running my ass at work that day I first came back.

And he even asked me to stay some time extra after my shift had ended to so somwthing I usually don't do, help the dishwashers in the kitchen after the restaurant closes.

Which was actually fine by me, because it's meant extra hours for me to put in, which in turn also meant that I would be able to somewhat make-up for all of the days I've missed ateast somewhat, and be able to put away a little but more cash in my shoebox.

And saving money is more than important to me right now, after how Uncle Rashaad keeps treating me, I need to get the hell away from him more than ever now. Not even about finally going away to that med school in New York one day. I literally just want to get on out of my uncle's place. Maybe rent an apartment somewhere, no matter how crappy it may be, but I just need to move to my own place right now and be my own woman.

So, I never even tripped when the restaurant's manager had asked me to stay all those extra hours.

But I'm sort of regretting it right now though, having to drive back to the house in complete darkness, it being way past the time I normally leave work.

Detroit isn't exactly the city you want to stay out at after dark, unless you yourself is involved in some type of shady activities.

Especially in this neighborhood.

It isn't exactly safe to walk around at night here, especially for a young girl like myself.

Even if I'm not exactly walking but driving.

So I'm feeling slightly on edge and nervous.

I did snuck up into my uncle's study and stole his handgun from him that I know he's been hiding in there.

Really wish I had the guts to run for it it too that day he was beating me.

But anyways, I currently have the gun stashed in the glove compartment of my car, just in case I ever needed to protect myself from some creeps.

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