43. Ride Or Die Part 2

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Marshall's P.O.V.

Onika legit looks like deer caught in headlights right now, her brown eyes huge and she's standing in front of the cop clutching her bag in her hand, just as the other cop has me standing with my hands on the hood of the car

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Onika legit looks like deer caught in headlights right now, her brown eyes huge and she's standing in front of the cop clutching her bag in her hand, just as the other cop has me standing with my hands on the hood of the car.

"Fuck you mean, open her purse?" I speak up, "Y'all got the warrant to search my car, not my girl's purse."

"Be quiet, boy," the cop behind me nudges me in the ribs with his gun, and I swear it takes everything in me not to swing at him. I ain't like for motherfuckers to test me like that, put their hands on me.

"Miss," the other pig says to Onika then, who continues to stand her ground, not moving from the spot she's in and not attempting to open her bag, even if she looks like she's about to cry.

"Miss, can you please op..."

"Onika, don't open shit baby, cause you don't got to. They don't got no warrant for all that," I once again say real loud like, and once again, I get kicked in the ribs with the stupid cop's gun.

And this time I'm quick to turn the fuck around.

"Yo, do that shit again, and I swear to God," i threaten the cop, feeling like my manhood is being challenged right now. Plus, I want to get their attention off of Onika.

"What you gonna do, kid?" In a flash of a second, both police officers is on me.

"Marshall!!" Onika pleads with me, speaking for the first time. I can hear it in her voice how scared she is right now, and all I can think of is my goddamn gun and all them drugs in her small bag. They can't find that shit on her, man.

"Ma'am, open your purse, please," One of the cops then returns back to her.

Everything moves in slow motion as Onika looks back at me unsurely. I slowly shake my head, and she opens her mouth to respond to the cop, clutching her bag even tighter to her body.

And just then, there's static and then voices coming from one of the pig's walkie talkies strapped to the dude's waist.

Something about all units get to a certain location ASAP. A robbery in progress or some shit. A liquor store got hit or something.

"Uh, fuck it, let's go, Thompson," the cops that was just about to square up with me says then, "That's some real action right there, better than trying to bust this trailer park boy. Whoever gave us the anonymous tip on him clearly just don't like him, and I can see why. The guy has a real attitude problem, but if somebody done robbed a liquor store at gun point, we maybe have an excuse to shoot them."

"Shit, now you talking, partner, let's go," the other cop says, and they both rush back into their car and drive off, leaving myself and Onika just standing there.

What the...

I ain't even know what to say for a few seconds after them cops drove off, and Onika just stands looking at me wearily.

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