Exciting Plans(Shadow the Hedgehog X Reader)

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I wanted something romantic, but couldn't come up with a plot. Then the fact that I have Team Sonic Racing popped into my head and this is what I came up with.


You were pulled out of your slumber by a slow, gentle motion moving up and down your back. You buried your face into your overly fluffy pillow, which happened to be Shadow's chest.

He chuckled softly at your reaction. His smooth, deep voice filled your ears. "Good morning, darling."

"Please tell me it's past 5AM.." you yawned while lifting your head from his chest fur.

He looked over at your alarm. "8:12. You finally slept in."

"Surprising," you snarked. You rested your head back down onto Shadow's chest. His grip on you tightened slightly. Your nerves buzzed happily as you felt his hand slip up your shirt and caress the skin of your back.

"What would you like to do today?" he asked.

You hummed in false thought. You wanted to race with everyone on (favorite Team Sonic Racing track), but Shadow always worried for your safety regarding racing.

"That hum sounded fake," he said. "Do you want to race?"

"Yes. Please, Shadow?" you begged.

He rolled his eyes. The small smile gave away his real feelings. "Tails was able to install a passenger seat in my car so you can ride along on racing days. I'll text the group and see who can join us. You will choose the tracks we race."

You hugged him tightly. You kissed him. You felt his hold on you tighten even more as he kissed back. A hand cupped your cheek. You pulled back after a few moments then covered his cheek in kisses. You placed a final kiss on his nose.

You giggled at his blushing cheeks. "Thank you, Shadsy."

He gave you a soft smile. "You're very welcome."


I'm surprised both of these one shots have been over 200 words. The long one has to be at least 500. 

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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