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(Kiera's POV)

If you would've told me an hour ago that I'd end up launched into a completely different universe, stranded on an Earth in the middle of some kind of ancient village with said-villagers staring at me like I'm a fucking anomaly, I would've laughed in your face.

Well maybe not, considering the amount of strange shit I've been through in my eighteen years of being alive. It doesn't help that Tony Stark himself practically "adopted" me. He calls me "kid" and "mini me". The "mini me" part never made sense because the man is a genius and I'm a complete dumbass.

The Avengers as a whole consider me either their kid or little sister. Natasha is definitely like a big sister to me; she's taught me how to fight and how to speak multiple languages. I love all of them though, we're like one big dysfunctional family.

Tony and Steve found me a couple years ago while investigating a Hydra base. I don't know much of my past, only that my name is Kiera Stronghold, and was a child with no parents living on the streets somewhere in Italy. Hydra took interest in me because I was born with powers similar to the tesseract, which I know little to nothing about because, like I said, I'm a dumbass.

Hydra took advantage of me, tortured me, experimented on me, injected me with the super soldier serum, and tried turning me into a weapon. Unfortunately for them, I was a disobedient little shit and made their lives miserable. Once they caught wind that the Avengers discovered their base in Italy, they took everything important and screwed. Me not being important, they left me chained in a cell to die. That's when Tony and Steve found me.

From then on I learned to control my powers properly, and when I was deemed ready, I became an official Avenger.

So how did I end up crash-landing awkwardly (and painfully) into the middle of this otherworldly village? Well...

(One hour prior)

"Lady Stronghold, are you ready to go?" Thor asked while shoving a Poptart in his mouth.

"Dude, don't talk with your mouth full. Also how many times do I have to tell you not to call me Lady? We've known each other for a while now buddy, no need for formalities." I approach him wearing my hero suit with a backpack slung over my shoulder.

"Forgive me, it's just a habit. You know you don't need your suit for Asgard, you'll be perfectly safe there! Poptart?" He gestured to the box in his hand.

"Uh, no tha-"

"She's wearing the suit because I told her to, Goldilocks." Tony chirped, coming out of nowhere per usual. He then turned to me. "You got all your stuff? Do you need me to get you anything else? Do you have the bracelet I made you?"

"Fuck, alright mom, I've got all I need, calm down." Rolling my eyes, I pull him into a half-assed hug. I'm not a big fan of physical touch.

"If you need me, just tap the bracelet and Friday will put you through to me. I made it idiot-proof just for you. She's also there for anything else you may need. But alright kid, I'll see you in a few days! Goldilocks, take care of her." He salutes, hurrying over to the bar and swiping a bottle of something before disappearing down the hall.

Thor and I head up to the roof of the compound. The god turns to me and smiles. "I know you've already been to Asgard, with the whole Jane situation and all, but you never got the chance to actually enjoy it. I'm quite excited to show you around!" This man never fails to be as happy as a golden retriever and as loud as an air-horn. I'm surprised I haven't gone deaf yet.

"Yeah big guy, I'm excited too."

He quickly summons the bi-frost, and soon we're enveloped within the rainbow of colors, traveling upwards at a speed of Mach Jesus.

Except he forgot to hold onto me, and once he realized, he hurriedly twisted around trying to grab for me. Instead, he ended up knocking my ass straight out of the bi-frost. Hard.

I've never been afraid of much in life, but this? I think my life flashed before my eyes in that moment. After that I don't remember much because I totally passed out. Shit, who wouldn't? Would my powers have helped in this situation? Not sure, I didn't even try to use them. Real smart Kiera, real smart.

I didn't come to until I felt myself falling, wind bellowing around me and in my ears. Damn it was loud. Ah shit, I'm really falling, huh? Before I could activate my powers to soften my landing, I crashed straight into the ground, creating a cute little crater with my body. Not sure if I broke anything, I swore I heard some cracks and pops mixed with the deafening boom of my impact.

Love to see it.

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