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Magma and Gen came back today, but without Chrome

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Magma and Gen came back today, but without Chrome.

I can feel the anger flood my veins, and I know Kohaku feels the same; her head hung low, fists clenched by her sides.

"What the fuck happened?" I snapped at the two men.

Kinro and Senku come over, standing off to the side and looking at the scene before them with curiosity.

Gen raised his hands that were slightly trembling, "K-Kiera-Chan, Chrome was caught by one of Tsukasa's best men. He has insane hearing that practically isn't human, and he's the best I've ever seen with a bow and arrow."

"Why didn't you protect each other?!" Koko snapped as she looked up from the ground, her eyes ablaze with frustration.

"It was a very complicated situation, we all knew one of us would be captured; not all of us were gonna make it out of there, and Chrome sacrificed himself."

"Dammit." I look over at Koko and I already know we're on the same page: gotta go get Chrome back. "Koko, let's go kick Katniss Everdeen's ass."

She nods, "I don't know what that means, but I agree!"

The two of us lunge forward, about to take off into the woods. Kinro moves swiftly and grabs Kohaku around the waist, barely stoping her.

No matter, no one here can stop me, so I'll go alone.

Senku throws himself in front of me, causing me to stop short and almost fall into him. "Move." I hiss through gritted teeth.

The scientist reaches up and cups my face in his hands, staring intently into my eyes. "Cut the shit, Star. Мне нужно, чтобы ты успокоился. Я знаю, что вы хотите сохранить Chrome, но это импульсивно. Мы вернем его, поверь мне. Все будет хорошо. ( I need you to calm down. I know you want to save Chrome, but this is impulsive. We'll get him back, trust me. It'll be okay.)

If I wasn't so angry, I'd be stunned with how well he's speaking Russian. I close my eyes, breathing in deeply, reigning in my anger. After a moment, I open them and sigh, gently removing Senku's hands from my face.

Yeah, no one here but him can stop me, and the bastard knows it. How dare he use himself AND Russian against me.

"Хорошо, но если они убьют его, они пожалеют, что никогда не родились." (Fine, but if they kill him, they're gonna wish they were never born.) I snap at him.

"Звезда, они его не убьют." (Star, they won't kill him.) He deadpanned.

I cross my arms and huff, turning my head to the side in a defiant manner. "Whatever..."

He chuckles, gently grabbing my chin and turning my head so that I'm looking at him. "Да ладно, не будь таким. Я думал, ты мне доверяешь?" (Come on, don't be like that. I thought you trusted me?"

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