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I think I laid in my mini crater for a good sixty seconds before rolling over onto my hands and knees

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I think I laid in my mini crater for a good sixty seconds before rolling over onto my hands and knees. Nausea rolled in my stomach, and before I knew it, I'm violently throwing up bile mixed with blood. Great, so I did have some internal damage. Good thing I have the super soldier serum running through my veins! (Sarcasm)

Sitting up with my eyes still closed, I allowed myself a few deep breaths. I already know I'm very far from home, I just don't know where I am, and there's about forty or so people surrounding me; times like this is when my powers really come in handy, being able to manipulate energy, I can also sense other people's energy.

Feeling no malicious intent, I open my eyes and take in the environment. True to my predictions, a good sized gaggle-fuck of people are standing all around me looking absolutely horrified, some clutching spears and pointing them at me with uncertainty. In response, I roll my eyes and cautiously stand to my full height. Yeah, all 5'3 of me.

"What? Never seen a person fall out of the sky before?"

They all flinch at the sound of my voice. For fucks sake.

Queue the awkward silence.

"Uhh.. Anyone speak English?"

More silence. Until...

There's a shuffle of movement until a guy about my age pushes his way to the front of the crowd. If there was a walking definition of 'mad scientist', this dude was it. His hair defied gravity, like an ivory color with soft green tips. He had on some questionable clothing, and on the upper corner of his left shoulder was printed E=MC2. But the thing that was absolutely captivating about him, were his eyes; a bright yet deep, sparkling ruby red. Shit his eyes were beautiful. Within them shone immense curiosity. Oh great, mad scientist confirmed. Then he spoke:

"I can speak English.. not completely fluent though."

His accent was thick, but it was better than nothing.

"What is your native language?" I ask him.

His curious look deepened, if possible. "Japanese."

Ah, good thing it's one of the languages Natasha taught me. Nodding, I switch over to Japanese. "Well I'm fluent in Japanese, so no worries. Anyway, where the hell am I?"

"Japan, the year is 5739. The human race was petrified within stone by an outside source. Me and a small amount of people are the only ones who escaped the petrification." One hand on his hip, the other by his ear which his finger dug into, he continued. "These villagers are descendants of whoever wasn't caught in the petrification beam. Now, who are you?" I knew he was leaving out some details, but I didn't really care at the moment. I'm still absorbing the fact that here, it's the year 5739. Oh, I'm in some deep shit, aren't I?

Ugh, if only I had Friday with me. She'd be able to explain me and my situation a lot better.


"OH MY GOD, FRIDAY!" How the hell did I forget she's in the bracelet Tony gave me?! I quickly roll up the right sleeve of my suit and place my thumb on the side of the bracelet. "...Friday?" My voice came out a little shakier than I would've liked.

"Yes, Miss Stronghold?" Friday spoke.

My heart soared. "Please Friday, lay off the formalities. So, how screwed am I?"

"My apologies, Kiera. As for your question, it seems to me that when Thor knocked you out of the bi-frost, you were thrown far into deep-space, possibly entering an Einstein-Rosen Bridge of sorts. You're in a parallel universe."

"Oh how swell, a fucking wormhole to another world, love that." I sigh, looking over towards the mad scientist. His eyes were as wide as saucers, stunned by Friday.

I was going to have Friday explain more about who I am and where I come from just to save me the trouble, but I decided against it. I think I'll keep the fact that I have powers to myself for now since I know nothing about these people and what they're capable of.

"Friday-" Another wave of nausea hit me, causing me to double over, emptying more bile and blood. Jeez, at least there wasn't as much blood as the first time. Must be the serum doing its thing.

"Miss, I took a quick scan of your body. The ribs on your right side are all broken and your shoulder is dislocated, but showing the beginning signs of healing. I recommend you rest so that the serum-"

I immediately cut her off. "Yep yep yep! Gotcha, I'll get right on that. Thanks Friday!" Yeah thanks Friday for almost revealing everything on the spot.

Mad scientist was in front of me in just a few long strides. Lanky little shit. Well maybe not little, he is taller than me.
I ignore him for a moment, reaching my left hand over to my right shoulder, and with one swift movement, push my shoulder back in place with a sickening pop. "U-uh.. s-sorry about that.." Honestly I wasn't sure what to say at this point. The adrenaline of the situation has worn off, and to say I was in pain was an understatement.

"You have.. an AI?" His voice was full of awe.

"Yeah, her name is Friday. No, I didn't create her, a good friend of mine did." A friend I may never see again...

Just then I felt a tap on my leg. Looking down, I see a small child wearing a watermelon on her head. What the fuck is with the fashion here?

"Miss, um, are you okay? You don't look too great." Her voice was high-pitched and sweet.

"Suika!" Someone in the crowd around us yelled.

I turn my head back up to look at the scientist, and that's when black spots begin to fill my vision. Oh shit. He says something, but it sounds like he's underwater. His expression turns to one filled with... concern? I squint my eyes to try to stabilize my vision, but it's no good. My legs give out from under me, and everything goes black.

My body feels really hot, way too hot. Damn serum kicking me into overdrive. Its healing capabilities are like a double edged sword sometimes. I open my eyes, sitting up and frantically looking around. Where am I? This isn't the compound. Where-... Oh wait, I'm in this weird universe. Damn, here I was hoping it was all just a fever dream.


My head snaps over to the voice, now seeing that the scientist had been laying down beside me with a couple feet of space in between us. On the other side of him, there's a brunette male fast asleep. I must've looked startled because he slowly raises his hands. "Oi, it's okay. Are you alright? You're sweating, I mean really sweating."

No shit Sherlock, my whole body feels like it's on fire. All part of the healing process. How the hell can I tell him that though?

"Uhh.. I uh, I run hot..." Oh for fucks sake Kiera.

"... Right." He doesn't believe me. Whatever.

My side was also super itchy due to my ribs healing, but I refrained from scratching it. I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment. "Um.. is there a river or a lake or something I can go cool off in?"

"Yeah, I'll take you to the river. I'd also like for you to answer some questions. No offense, me nor any of the people here exactly trust you just yet."

"Alright, that's fair. Lead the way, Mad Scientist."



"My name is Senku."

"Ah, right. Well it's nice to meet you, I guess, Senku."

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