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I've spent most of the day in the forest, collecting stuff for Yuzuriha

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I've spent most of the day in the forest, collecting stuff for Yuzuriha. I haven't come across a deer yet, but I don't think it really matters anymore.

My stomach growls loudly, causing me to let out an agitated groan. I've eaten absolutely nothing today. That dream I had last night left a bad taste in my mouth, and I keep replaying the whole thing in my mind.

It's like my brain can't handle the fact that it felt all too real, and the more I think about it, the more ominous it becomes.

Is some higher power just fucking with me? Or was it my own subconscious?

A pain-filled whining interrupts my thoughts; there's some kind of animal that's obviously hurt.

I take the basket of materials off my back and place it on the ground, listening closely. Another whine, softer this time, comes from my left behind a group of bushes.

Cautiously I approach, carefully making my way past the large plants, completely ignoring the thorns that prick into my legs.

On the other side lies a black ball of... fur? The ball of fur whimpers.

Oh, it's a dog.

Wait... Not just any kind of dog, it's a wolf. A juvenile, to be exact. They look less than a year old, so I'm guessing their pack left them behind for some reason...

Getting close, I crouch down, leaning over. Ah, he was left behind because it looks like a lion fucked him up. Poor baby somehow managed to get away with four long claw marks in his side.

His eyes snap open, golden hues staring up at me nervously. He attempts to growl, but I shut him up real quick with some gentle strokes along the top of his head.

"Все в порядке, у меня есть ты..." (It's okay, I've got you...)

Carefully scooping him up, I bring him back over to where I left the materials. Shifting the wolf across my shoulders, I slowly squat down and put the basket onto my back, standing up.

Each of my hands firmly holds onto his legs, looking like I'm wearing him as a scarf. The side of his head resting against the left side of mine, his fur tickling my cheek. He lets out another whine.

"Я знаю, мне жаль..." (I know, I'm sorry...)

Unfortunately I can't teleport us back to Yuzuriha's tent; he might actually die if I do that. The only thing slowing down the bleeding is the fact that his injured side is pressed up against the back of my neck.

Yeah, I'm definitely gonna need to visit the hot springs after this...


No one seemed to notice me as I hastily approached Yuzuriha's tent.

"Yuzuriha?" I whispered.


"It's Kiera, can I come in?"

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