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(Third Person POV)

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(Third Person POV)

Senku was somewhat disheartened that Kiera wouldn't open up to him about her past. If she's having nightmares, the logical thing to do is to talk about it. Right?

He turned on his side and looked over at the girl. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her face was scrunched up. She was obviously having another nightmare.

Senku isn't really good with emotions; he's not really someone that anyone would go to for comfort, because he didn't know how to be comforting.

A small whine snapped him out of his thoughts, causing him to sigh. He gently reached over and pulled the female closer to him, bringing her head to rest against his chest. Softly, he ran his fingers through her hair, trying his best to comfort her. He whispered, "You're okay Star."

After a few minutes, Kiera had relaxed, and Senku eventually fell asleep.


(Kiera's POV)

Warm. I feel really, really warm. That's weird, I didn't injure myself while sparring yesterday, so why does it feel like the serum is overheating me?

Also, what the hell am I laying on?

Peaking an eye open, I observe that I'm no longer laying on my pile of blankets, but that I somehow ended up on top of Senku, practically entangled with each other; my arms wrapped around his neck, one of my legs in between his, his arms around my waist.



Oh fuck!

My heart almost stopped as embarrassment flooded through me. Closing my eye, I buried my face into his chest. When the hell have I ever been a snuggly person?! Why didn't he push me off of him?!

As my mind is racing, Senku begins to stir from his sleep. I quickly even out my breathing, pretending to be asleep. What the hell else was I supposed to do?!

I could feel his eyes on me now as one of his hands delicately reaches up to the back of my head, cradling it. The scientist then turns his body to the side with much effort (jeez, I don't weigh that much), gently rolling me off of him and back into my pile of blankets. He places one of the blankets over me before standing up and leaving the hut, probably to start more science shit.

Well I sure as hell ain't getting up now. Also it's way too early for me anyway.

Back to sleep it is, then!

Squeezing my eyes shut, I force myself back into the dark abyss of sleep.




"Hey, Star. Wake up."

The blankets are ripped off of me, causing me to dramatically roll over and lock eyes with the scientist standing above me, hands on his hips. I raise my hand, flipping him off.

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