Kiera Stronghold, Avenger, finds herself trapped in a different universe on an Earth stuck in the stone-age.
At least she has a smartass scientist as entertainment.
(Senku x OC)
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Getting out of the hot spring and throwing on my dress, I hurriedly teleported inside Senku and I's hut.
My head was pounding, so using my powers at the moment wasn't the brightest of ideas, but there was no way I was sprinting back to the village.
"Hey, I was wondering where you went- ... What's on your face?" The scientist sat up from his bed of blankets.
Guess I didn't wipe all the blood off.
"Forget it-"
"What the hell happened?" He was now on his feet, reaching out his hand to me in concern, slight anger reflecting in his eyes.
I intercept his hand, using my own to latch onto his wrist, staring into his eyes sternly. "Listen to me for a damn second, nerd. There's something on the fucking moon."
"Star, be honest with me.. did you have another episode?"
Fuck this.
I lunge forward, tackling him, his back hitting the floor.
"Star, what the hell?!"
"Shut up, you idiotic genius, just shh!" My hands firmly grasp his cheeks as I glare down at him. "You told me that this world was petrified thousands of years ago. Do you know who or what did it?"
"No, I-"
"Right. Well ya see, my lovely little Учёный, I think I just figured out who. Or what. I mean, I don't know, but it's sentient."
"And this thing... is on the moon?"
"Yes! For fucks sake, yes! I'd show you what happened, but this migraine is killing me, so sorry, no telepathy for now."
"Alright, tell me what happened."
I climb off of him as he sits up, both now facing each other.
"Went to the hot springs, felt someone watching me but I couldn't find them with my power, so I used my telepathy to try to hear them nearby. Well the damn asshole pretty much assaulted my brain, invaded my mind and kept repeating 'why?', over and over. It was like listening to an insane psychiatric patient. It didn't sound.. it didn't sound human, though. Almost robotic. Like, like-..."
I look down at my wrist, staring at my bracelet. "Like an AI..." I breathed out, eyes widening.
I press the side of the bracelet, "Friday, please tell me I'm right, that there's someone on the moon."
"Yes miss, I was able to detect some kind of signal from the moon."
"Are they AI, Friday?"
"... Yes, miss."
Senku's face paled, his eyes wide. He looks almost... scared.
I snap my fingers in front of his face, "Earth to nerd, get your ass back down here. No need to be uh, upset. You've got me, remember? Your favorite super human? I'll kick their ass for sure. But right now, I'm gonna need you to relax."